Home News by Region Metchosin District of Metchosin celebrates 40 years of incorporation

District of Metchosin celebrates 40 years of incorporation

district of metchosin, xmas
District of Metchosin municipal hall at Christmas time, Dec 2024. [Island Social Trends]

Monday December 2, 2024 | METCHOSIN, BC [Updated Dec 3, 2024]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Tonight District of Metchosin Mayor Marie-Térèse Little headed up a low-key but dignified acknowledgement and celebration of the District of Metchosin’s 40th anniversary of incorporation.

The casual celebration of Metchosin’s 40th was held after the night’s regular council meeting. It was poignant that tonight’s meeting agenda included a staff report on updates to various municipal operational items, some of which had been unchanged in the books since 1991.

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District of Metchosin Council Meeting on Dec 2, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The District of Metchosin was incorporated on December 3, 1984. That was the same year that Ronald Reagan won the US presidency by a landslide. And that same year Pierre Trudeau stepped back from being prime minister, with Brian Mulroney elected later that year as Canada’s prime minister. It was a year when the first Apple Macintosh computers were introduced to the world giving birth to the computer graphics industry.

Nearby municipalities in the west shore incorporated at later dates, including Colwood in 1985, Langford in 1992 and Sooke in 1999.

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Marie-Térèse Little was elected Mayor of Metchosin in October 2022. Little and her council have worked to broaden the diversity of Metchosin life while maintaining its rural functionality and flair.

The previous mayor of Metchosin, John Ranns, served for eight terms (35 years) in that role, from 1987 to 2022. One of his key goals was to maintain the rural nature of Metchosin and to keep the population capped at around 5,000 which enabled a different set of grants and supports from other levels of government than urban municipalities would receive.

Ranns also was instrumental in helping achieve an expanded natural forested area of Metchosn in a three-way land deal with Metchosin and Beecher Bay First Nation that in 2017 enabled each of those jurisdictions to further achieve their own vision and goals — natural environment for Metchostin, urban growth for Langford (354 acres were added to the Langford footprint), and Beecher Bay (an arrangement for an economic piece of the pie of urban growth in Langford).

Metchosin works hard to maintain its rural and agricultural roots yet is just a 15-minute drive from cities with robust urban growth like Langford and Colwood.

Tonight during the council meeting Mayor Little itemized the large residential lots in Metchosin that allow for small farm operations. As of the 2021 census Metchosin’s population had remained at 5,067 (though it may now be higher at about 5,250 as reported by one councillor last night).

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District of Metchosin 40th Anniversary of Incorporation cakel, on Dec 2, 2024. [Island Social Trends]

Who was there:

About 40 people attended this evening’s short council meeting to later mingle, enjoying sandwiches, veggies, cake and coffee.

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West Shore RCMP Superintendent Todd Preston and District of Metchosin Councillor Shelly Donaldson at the District of Metchosin’s 40th anniversary gathering, Dec 2, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Metchosin residents and other guests chatted with Mayor Little and councillors Shelly Donaldson, Shari Epp, Steve Gray (and his wife Janet Gray) and Jay Shukin.

West Shore RCMP Superintendent Todd Preston attended, as did two former Metchosin municipal councillors — Kyara Kahakauwila (who served five terms, 1999 to 2022) and Sandra Martin (who served two terms, 1990 to 1997).

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Former District of Metchosin Councillor Sandra Martin (left) with District of Metchosin Mayor Marie-Térèse Little at the 40th anniversary of incorporation celebration on Dec 2, 2024 in council chambers. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]
Kyara Kahakauwila, Jay Shukin
Former Metchosin Counclilor Kyara Kahakauwila chatted with District of Metchosin Councillor Jay Shukin at the District of Metchosin’s 40th anniversary gathering, Dec 2, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Metchosin personnel who attended included Metchosin Fire Chief Stephanie Dunlop, CAO Bob Payette, Chief Financial Officer Geoffrey Kreek, Deputy Corporate Officer Tina Hansen and Legislative Services Assistant Jennifer Miller.

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Recent Juan de Fuca-Malahat BC Green candidate David Evans attended, as did Island Social Trends publisher Mary Brooke.

The firehall cat Sparky spent time in council chambers as well this evening.

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Sparky is the Metchosin Firehall cat, who visited in council chambers on Dec 2, 2024. [Island Social Trends]
sooke santa parade 2024

Directions in 2025:

The District of Metchosin will continue to foster and promote its agricultural roots and lifestyle. Each year Metchosin Community Day attracts a large crowd for activities, performances and a BBQ dinner.

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Metchosin Mayor & Council at the 2023 Metchosin Community Day on Sept 10, 2023 (from left): Councillor Steve Gray, Councillor Shari Epp, Mayor Marie-Térèse Little, Councillor Jay Shukin, and Councillor Shelly Donaldson. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

As discussed at this evening’s council meeting, Metchosin council hopes that residents will make use of the libraries in the Greater Victoria Library system as well as Westshore Parks and Recreation, as Metchosin taxpayers contribute significant amounts for participation in those services and facilities.

Mayor Little is again the Vice-Chair of the Capital Regional District (CRD) for a second year.

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