Tuesday January 10, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
If your curbside recycling bluebox pickup day was Monday or Tuesday and your materials are still not picked up by 9 pm this evening, CRD says you can leave them out for a third day. Trucks are still on the way.
The Monday/Tuesday pickup routes are primarily in Langford and Colwood, in the Greater Victoria westshore area. Routes in Sooke and other areas may also be impacted.

There are no snow or rain impositions this week. But there is a backlog of materials from the end of December due to cancellations caused by winter weather conditions. This is adding to how much material is left at the curbside for pickup.
No soft plastics at the curbside:
It seems, also, that people are mistakenly putting out soft plastics and other materials that should be taken to recycling depots (not left at the curbside).
Recently there was some TV news coverage that mistakenly indicated that soft plastics could be left in the curbside blueboxes, so this very likely contributed to the confusion.