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COVID protocols for restaurants & food service in BC

Required: 2m/6ft distance between chairs, not tables.

chairs, restaurants, COVID
Chairs must be 2m/6ft apart in food service areas during COVID-19 in BC.

Monday July 13, 2020 ~ BC

~ West Shore Voice News

The BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association has sent out a reminder to their members about COVID-19 protocols for their industry.

“We’re here to lead the restaurant and foodservice industry through this COVID-19 crisis,” the organization stated in a release today. 

Here are the reminders sent out to restaurants, pubs, coffee shops, caterers and others in the food service industry:

  • Contact tracing is highly recommended, if a known COVID case was on your premise, you need to be able to contact your guests to inform them, so they can monitor their symptoms and self-isolate if needed. Contact details are to be recorded for 1 person per family/party either from reservation booking or recorded upon arrival prior to being seated. Contact tracing importance has been demonstrated during recent Kelowna outbreak.    
  • Required: 2m/6ft distance between chairs, not tables. There must be a 2m/6ft distance between the chairs from table to table, this distance is not between the tables. 
  • Sanitizing Frequently – Every table and all chairs must be sanitized between seatings, along with high touch areas (i.e. bathroom doors, menus, condiments, card machines, front desks) on a frequent schedule.
  • Washing/sanitizing Hands – Staff members need to be washing/sanitizing their hands between tables, before serving food, taking away touched menus, processing payments/dealing with cash, clearing tables etc.

More information and current udpates on the BCRFA website www.bcrfa.com