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COVID-19 in BC: how long will this phase last?

Expect the self-isolation requirement until at least the end of April ~ Health Minister Adrian Dix

During the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, people are required to self-isolate at home if feeling even the least bit unwell.

Tuesday March 24, 2020 ~ BC

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

As the COVID-19 situation unfolds — changing by the hour, politicians are being asked how long this will take for people to remain self-isolated at home and the economy effectively on shut down.

Here are some responses of the last couple of days which shed light on the answer to that question:

Coronavirus COVID-19. Infections started in December 2019 in China. By January BC was already looking at what it might do. By the third week of March everyone is now expected to self isolate. BC Health Minister expects no relaxing of that order to at least the end of April 2020. Finance Minister Carole James has funds ready for the economic recovery phase (whenever that comes).

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (March 24, 2020): “It’s going to be in place for many more weeks.”

BC Health Minister Adrian Dix (March 23, 2020): ‘Doesn’t see this changing before the end of April’, as stated in the BC Legislature.

BC Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry (for many weeks now): “This is for now, it is not forever.”

BC Finance Minister Carole James (March 23, 2020):  “It’s an ever-changing situation. The plan is the plan today,” said Carole James in the BC Legislation. There will be “pressures’ in the days, weeks and months to come. “We are all in this together.”

crystal ball
If there were only a way to see into the crystal ball. But no one knows the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this downtime from participation in the regular economy, people are noticing the relief this is producing for the natural environment … with less noise and pollution (with vehicle and airplane traffic much reduced), the air is fresher and you can hear the birds.

Even during the imposed self-isolation at home, people may go out into their yards or take a walk around the block, so long as the physical distancing requirement is adhered to (i.e. stay 2 meters or 6 feet away from other people).