Home Health COVID-19 Colwood Mayor reminds residents to stay home

Colwood Mayor reminds residents to stay home

An uptick in COVID-19 infection is expected this week of March 30, being now about 14 days since community spread became evident in BC. People have stayed home and practiced physical distancing, which will help keep the infection rate down.

Colwood Mayor, Rob Martin, COVID-19
Colwood Mayor Rob Martin addresses Colwood residents about the importance of staying home during COVID-19 [screenshot]

Sunday March 29, 2020 ~ COLWOOD

by Mary Brooke, B.Sc. ~ West Shore Voice News

On Tuesday March 24, Colwood Mayor Rob Martin posted a 2-minute video on the city’s website, with a strong reminder to residents about following the directives of the Provincial Health Officer.

He also is encouraged by the Province of BC’s direction with various types of tax deferrals.

The COVID-19 pandemic is approaching the phase this week of March 30 where more infections are expected, as well as more hospitalizations to help people cope with the disease.

There is presently no pharmaceutical treatment and no vaccine. If British Columbians have done a good job of ‘flattening the curve’ then BC will fare better overall than other provinces and regions of the world.

Health Minister Adrian Dix, March 28, 2020
Health Minister Adrian Dix delivering the daily COVID-19 update on March 28, 2020 in Vancouver [screenshot]

BC Health has prepared over 4,000 hospital bed spaces and assembled 705 or more ventilators toward being as prepared as possible for the first big wave of serious infections.

Seniors, people with underlying health conditions, and people with compromised immune systems are most at risk.

If left unchecked, disease models show that there could be tens if not hundreds of thousands of deaths from the coronavirus disease across Canada.

WHO, situation report, #69, COVID-19
World Health Organization COVID-19 Situation Report #69 on March 29, 2020.

To put that in context, the World Health Organization Situation Report #69 today March 29, shows there have been 634,835 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection globally to date. Of those, 120,798 cases are in the Americas (i.e. USA, Canada, Mexico and South American countries). There have been 29,957 deaths globally to date, with 3,464 of those just in the last 24 hours (March 28 to March 29). In the Americas, there have been 1,973 deaths to date (488 of those in just the last day).

In BC (as of the Provincial Health Officer’s and BC Health Minister’s report on March 28) there are 884 confirmed cases and there have __ deaths (mostly clustered among residents of seniors care homes on the Lower Mainland).

Colwood Mayor, Rob Martin, COVID-19, March 24, 2020
Colwood Mayor Rob Martin addresses Colwood residents about the importance of staying home during COVID-19 [screenshot]

Here is the text of Mayor Martin’s message to Colwood residents:

“The Prime Minister’s message has been clear: Go home and stay home.

I have heard your concerns about people gathering on beaches and in parks. I share those concerns.

That’s why, today, staff are preparing to close parking areas adjacent to beaches and parks to limit gatherings in those areas.

This will include Ocean Boulevard and Esquimalt Lagoon as well as the Royal Beach Park and other park areas. Please obey City signage.

We all face the challenge of balancing the need to stay healthy and connected with the imperative that we keep our distance. This is not a time for visiting each other. Please be resolute in staying home to limit everyone’s exposure.

Dr. Bonnie Henry’s orders are not suggestions. They are the law.

Make no mistake – our actions today will determine how long this outbreak lasts, and how many lives will be lost.

These are uncertain times. I know making ends meet and long-term finances are on many people’s minds.

The Province has signalled potential changes in property tax deadlines. The City of Colwood supports the Province in this consideration.

Lastly, I’m inspired by the creative ways Colwood residents are showing kindness, connecting online, and boosting each other’s spirits.

This is how we will move through this difficult time: Stay home. Stay healthy. Stay positive. Stay kind.”