Home Health China presents ‘High’ travel risk for Canadians

China presents ‘High’ travel risk for Canadians

If you have travelled to Hubei province in the last 14 days, limit your contact with others for 14 days from the date that you left Hubei.

Hubei province in China (map)

Friday February 21, 2020 ~ NATIONAL

~ West Shore Voice News

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low for Canada. Public health risk is continually reassessed as new information becomes available.

Overall, the risk to Canadian travellers abroad is low.

The risk to Canadian travellers to China is assessed as high. The Government of Canada recommends avoiding:

  • all non-essential travel to China
  • all travel to Hubei Province, China, including Wuhan city

As stated on the PHAC website February 21, travellers coming from Hubei province to Canada continue to be at an increased risk for COVID-19.

If you have travelled to Hubei province in the last 14 days, limit your contact with others for a total of 14 days from the date that you left Hubei. This means self-isolate and stay at home. Contact the local public health authority in your province or territory within 24 hours of arriving in Canada. This will reduce your risk of spreading infection to others.

“The research and data on COVID-19 continues to grow and evolve. We will continue to adapt our advice for travellers based on the latest science available,” says PHAC.