Home Business & Economy Arts & Entertainment Cash prizes to 2023 Sooke Fine Arts Show award winners

Cash prizes to 2023 Sooke Fine Arts Show award winners

Excellence Category: $1,000 | Jurors Choice: $500 | Honourable Mention: $250

sooke fine arts, sfas, award night
Awards will be presented to artists at the Sooke Fine Arts Show 2023 on August 4, 2023.

Thursday August 3, 2023 | SOOKE, BC [Updated August 16, 2023]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The artists who have won awards at the 2023 Sooke Fine Arts Show will officially receive their awards on Friday night August 4, during the Sooke Fine Arts Artists’ Celebration event.

  • Winners in the Excellence category get $1,000 each, and the Honourable Mention award winners each get $250.
  • Jurors choice award winners each get $500.
  • Specialty category award winners (District of Sooke, Jan Johnson, and Designer’s Choice) each get $500.

Award-status recognition also helps an artist with their overall career trajectory.

One-hour award ceremony:

Tomorrow night, sponsors will present the awards in a ceremony that usually lasts about an hour including speeches from local VIPs.

sooke fine arts, sfas, award night
Awards will be presented to artists at the Sooke Fine Arts Show 2023 on August 4, 2023.

The August 4 awards evening is a pre-ticketed event by invitation only.

List of winners:

Here are the winners — listed with the name of their winning piece, and the name of the sponsor who will present them with their award.

8 x EXCELLENCE – $1,000 each
1 Garden 1 | by Jan Vriesen | Butler Concrete & Aggregate
2 Taan.Gwan’laana&Gonakadet by Captain Stewart-Burton | Keycorp Consulting Ltd.
3 Dancing With the Birds by Laurel Hibbert | Island Social Trends
4 Winter Woods by Brian Simons | Seacliff Properties (Sooke) Ltd.
5 Texture Play I by Sheryl Macleod-Sidwell | Dr. Chris Bryant & Staff
6 Basket Illusion Bowl by Ray Sapergia | Point No Point Resort Ltd.
7 Freak Show by Victoria Heryet | VIMEX Contracting Ltd.
8 Tipsy by Wayne Halabourda | Marsden Group

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1 Brickyard Wonder by Joanne Nemeth | Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd.
2 Fireballs in Paradise by Jake Pruim | Sooke Home Hardware
3 Peace Above All by Merrilee Soberg | West Coast Grill
4 Black Bear Cuff by Brett Borrie | Sooke News Mirror
5 Orpheus V by Jasmine Hum | West Coast Super Storage

tom lee music, logo
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Sooke Home Hardware is a sponsor of the Sooke Fine Arts Show.

3 x JUROR’S CHOICE – $500 ea (2023 SFAS Jurors are David MacWilliam, Kathleen Prince and Mike Svob)
1 Garry lishenn paashkwow balaansii ~ Balance of the Garry Oak Meadow by Kristi Bridgeman | SEAPARC Leisure Complex
2 The Birdman by Angela Menzies | Times Colonist
3 Renewal by Alyssa Brady | Clarkston Construction Ltd.

seaparc, golf, demamiel, 2023

1 x DISTRICT OF SOOKE – $500 ea
1 The Puppet & Puppeteer by Bryan Cathcart | District of Sooke

budget 2024, district of sooke

1 x JAN JOHNSON – $500 ea
1 Peritus Est by John Robertson | Mary-Alice Johnson & the Jan Johnson Memorial Fund

1 x DESIGNERS’ CHOICE – $500 ea
1 Persistence of Colour by Anna Liubakova | Bell Media

People’s Choice Award – sponsored by The Artisan’s Garden
Children’s Choice Award – sponsored by A Sea of Bloom Floral Designs
Youth Art Favourite Award – sponsored by Monk Office & Art


===== RELATED:

Full List of 2023 Exhibiting Artists

Full list of 2023 show sponsors

2023 Show runs for 10 days | About the jurors (July 28, 2023)