Home News by Region Sooke Beach Art at Whiffin Spit on Sunday September 8

Beach Art at Whiffin Spit on Sunday September 8

Popular event helps clean up the beach while creating art

Beach Art, Whiffin Spit, Sooke
Beach Art creation at Whiffin Spit (2016 file photo)

Thursday, August 29, 2019 ~ SOOKE

~ West Shore Voice News

The annual Whiffin Spit Beach Art event comes up Sunday September 8.

It’s a celebration of the creative process. Children and adults are invited to compete for cash prizes and ribbons for best sculpture made of found items from the Spit. Free to attend.

Beach Art, 2019, Whiffin Spit

Families, clubs, teams and individuals are invited to the Spit for registration at 11 am — look for the white tent. No early registration required. Just show up and starting creating your art piece with driftwood, rocks, seaweed and other debris scavenged from the beach.

Registered groups find a place on the beach and start creating.

Nothing may be brought onto site including tools. The art installation must be assembled from items found at the beach.

The activity helps clean up the beach as well as provide a fun event through artistic creation.

Cash prizes and ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be given out. Gifts for all registered participants.


More info: Sooke Arts Council website at www.SookeArts.com