Thursday July 11, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
Today during a media session about wildfires, BC’s Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Bowinn Ma reiterated the importance of being prepared for any emergency.
BC has a website with checklists to help with preparedness, including an interactive planning tool.
People can also sign up to be on the Emergency Support Services (ESS) list, to already have that in place in the event of any future emergency, says Ma.
Here on south Vancouver Island the Capital Regional District has a significant emergency preparedness section on their website.
Many types of emergencies:
Emergencies in BC include seismic (earthquake and tsunami), flood, extreme heat, windstorms, snowstorms, and drought.
Another level of emergency is supply chain interruption, which creates economic and social emergencies.
When there is another pandemic in the future, people will need to be prepared for that as well.
Be prepared:
People in BC’s coastal regions in particular are encouraged to have an emergency kit in the home, office and car.
Every member of the family (including pets) should have a grab-and-go bag (pack for ‘essential’ as well as ‘peace of mind’).
For the workplace, every employer and employee should have emergency preparedness in mind. Every workspace should have preparations in place.
Water and food supplies will be essential after any major seismic event. Communities and schools have various levels of preparedness for water, food and safety gear.
Preparation also includes having adequate insurance coverage.
===== RELATED:
- Three morning earthquakes off Port Alice on July 11 (July 11, 2024)
- Another earthquake, another reminder (July 4, 2024)
- January 8: earthquake west of Port Hardy (January 8, 2024)
- NEWS SECTIONS: Emergency Preparedness & Safety