Home Election Tracker BC Provincial 2024 BC Green candidate Camille Currie endorsed by former Esquimalt-Colwood BC United candidate

BC Green candidate Camille Currie endorsed by former Esquimalt-Colwood BC United candidate

camille currie, meagan brrame, sonia furstenau, bc green
Former BC United Party candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood, Meagan Brame (left), has endorsed BC Green candidate Camille Currie (centre) in a mutual push to beat the BC NDP in that riding., announced Sept 11, 2024 by BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau (right).
BC 2024 Provincial Election news analysis

Wednesday September 11, 2024 | ESQUIMALT, BC [Updated September 12, 2024]

Political analysis by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

BC Green candidate Camille Currie has been endorsed by Meagan Brame, the former BC United candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood and past Esquimalt city councillor.

camille currie, meagan brrame, sonia furstenau, bc green
Former BC United Party candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood, Meagan Brame (left), has endorsed BC Green candidate Camille Currie (centre) in a mutual push to beat the BC NDP in that riding, announced Sept 11, 2024 by BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau (right).

“With her deep roots in our community and a track record of proven leadership, Meagan sees the vision and transformative change that Camille brings,” said the BC Greens in a news release this afternoon.

The endorsement is considered by the BC Greens to be “a significant step forward in our mission to deliver the progress that Esquimalt-Colwood deserves”.

meagan brame, camille currie
In Esquimalt-Colwood on Sept 12, 2024 (from left): Former BC United candidate Meagan Brame who has put her support behind BC Green Party candidate Camille Currie. [X]

“I am deeply honored to have earned the trust and endorsement of Meagan Brame,” says Camille Currie. “Together, we share a vision for Esquimalt-Colwood where people come first, money is spent wisely, and the overall well-being of our community is front and center.”

Fast-moving shift:

This all comes only 11 days after former BC NDP candidate Mitzi Dean withdrew from the race in Esquimalt-Colwood. And only four days after the BC NDP filled that slot with Esquimalt city councillor Darlene Rotchford on September 7 as their candidate in Esquimalt-Colwood.

Premier Eby made a local campaign appearance with Rotchford just yesterday in Vic West. That really seemed to restore the BC NDP stronghold for Esquimalt-Colwood.

darlene rotchford, esquimalt councillor
Darlene Rotchford at a BC Hydro announcement on July 5, 2024 in Victoria. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The announcement of Rotchford by the NDP just days ago sparked renewed interest in that electoral area’s race and injected new confidence in the BC NDP after losing Dean as their star candidate.

Dean had championed the west shore during her seven years as MLA (2017-2024) along with Ravi Parmar (MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca) quite a bit in the past year. That is a slot that Currie as a west shore resident can fill, better than Rotchford who is not really yet known beyond the Esquimalt borders.

Endorsement has child care strength:

Now today, Brame’s endorsement carries weight in the child care issue (she’s a former long-time child care centre operator), something that Dean (as the Minister of State for Child Care) would have brought to the election debate in that riding.

Curie is the mother of two children and has championed the health-care file in BC during the ongoing doctor shortage.

meagan brame, bc united, candidate
Meagan Brame was the BC United candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood until the party leader pulled all candidate nominations. [supplied]

After all BC United candidates were pulled from the BC provincial 2024 election cycle by party leader Kevin Falcon back on August 28, Brame had been asked to run by the BC Conservatives. She said no. Throwing her weight behind the BC Greens is a huge boon to the BC Greens who are considered to be the ‘small third party’ at best (i.e. either the BC NDP or Conservative Party of BC are expected to form the next government).

“Being endorsed by Meagan Brame is a true honour. Her support validates our vision for a brighter future and drives me to pursue excellence while always putting people first,” said Currie today in a BC Green news release.


The new electoral area called Esquimalt-Colwood includes voters who live in Colwood, Esquimalt, Vic West and View Royal. The population is 58,356 packed into 53 sq km.

esquimalt-colwood, map
Electoral area map of Esquimalt-Colwood. [Elections BC]

Esquimalt-Colwood is an urban riding with challenges for jobs, housing and health-care.

The Esquimalt-Colwood race now has three major contenders: Camille Currie (BC Green), Darlene Rotchford (BC NDP), and John Wilson (BC Conservative).

Brame weighs in:

Did the BC Greens approach Meagan Brame or did the former BC United Party candidate reach out to Camille? “We met and talked and it sort of happened,” says Brame. “I feel we have similar styles: listens, helps, supports and truly wants to make our riding better,” Brame told Island Social Trends today.

campaign signs, t-shirts, hats
Campaign signage, hats and T-shirts without a cause, after Meagan Brame’s campaign in Esquimalt-Colwood has ended seven weeks before the election. [supplied]

“I campaigned against the NDP. Though I like and respect Darlene, I can’t support NDP,” says Brame.

And referring to the BC Conservative candidate who recently joined the Esquimalt-Colwood race, Brame says: “And though John has a strong business background and is known in the community, I don’t trust the party”. Last week Brame referred to the BC Conservatives as “untested”.

Election timeline:

The writ drops on September 21 and the BC provincial election will be on October 19, 2024.

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