Home News by Region Langford Langford: Station Ave vendor applications now open

Langford: Station Ave vendor applications now open

Six artist studios for rent | Six business incubator retail locations | Six food truck stalls for rent daily

retail, Station Ave, Langford
Kiosks for small businesses to get started will be part of the Station Avenue revitalization project.

Tuesday August 17, 2021 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

Just as the economy was warming up to emerging from the COVID lockdown-style protocols, the City of Langford held their first media event after 14 months of everyone working behind the scenes. That was back on May 10: Creative boost in Langford core for small businesses, residents and tourists.

At that time, by the Station Avenue railway tracks near the corner of Veterans Memorial Parkway, City of Langford Council announced a dynamic, new community development project for that location. The announcement was made in collaboration with the Island Corridor Foundation (ICF), as the dormant E&N Rail line goes along there.

With a focus on arts and culture, the goal is for the project to dramatically transform the area into a vibrant cultural hub that celebrates local Indigenous culture, showcases Langford’s evolving arts and cultural identity, celebrates the area’s history, and creates ‘incubator’ opportunities for small businesses and artisans.

City-led initiative:

The City now holds a 30-year lease with the ICF through a collaboration between the two parties. The revitalization project is being funded by the City of Langford using $1 million in Gas Tax Funds as received via the Union of BC Municipalities (Gas Tax funds are received annually by each municipality in BC, on a sliding scale based on population and other factors).

Station Avenue, rail, E&N
The unused E&N rail line runs through Langford along Station Avenue. Rental apartment buildings and affordable housing units are in the area, with more to come. [Island Social Trends]

“Working collaboratively, this project will reinvigorate the area and complement all that we already have in place,” said Mayor Stew Young. He explained that the City of Langford Council is turning their attention to arts and culture, after several years focusing on the expansion of recreational and sporting opportunities (including the YM/YWCA, Starlight Stadium — formerly Westhills Stadium, City Center Park, Jordie Lunn Bike Park, and co-investment in amenities at West Shore Parks & Recreation, among others).

Vendor applications now open:

The City is now doing a call-out for interested artists and artisans, local retailers, and food trucks to occupy space at The Langford Station. Applications are open for the following:

Stew Young, Lanny Seaton, Larry Stevenson
Ceremonial ground-breaking of new community cultural area along Station Avenue, parallel to the E&N rail line. Shovels in action by Mayor Stew Young (center) with Langford Parks & Beautification Chair Lanny Seaton (left) and Island Corridor Foundation CEO Larry Stevenson, May 11, 2021. [Island Social Trends – Mary Brooke]
  • Six artist studios are available for rent. Studio space can be rented individually, or multiple artists can share a single studio. The studios will provide an opportunity for artists to showcase their abilities while also offering their goods for sale.
  • Six business incubator retail locations are available for rent and create an opportunity for businesses to test their business model or expand an existing business to Langford before committing to a brick-and-mortar location. Businesses will need to demonstrate in their application how they will contribute to the interactive and consumer experience at The Langford Station.
  • Six food truck stalls available for rent daily. Interested food trucks must apply and be approved by the City of Langford prior to receiving permission to book dates.

The studios, business incubator spaces and food trucks are expected to be operational by Spring 2022.

Those interested in applying can find the details at Langford.ca/TheLangfordStation. For more information, the email contact address is: stationave@langford.ca.

belmont, condos, reunion

===== RELATED:

Creative boost in Langford core for small business, residents & tourists (May 12, 2021)

Langford gains national attention as 18th best community after years of progress (April 17, 2021)

Langford extends sidewalk economic recovery policy for 3 years (March 31, 2021)

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