Home Health COVID-19 COVID: two new Vancouver Island cases in ages 20 to 39

COVID: two new Vancouver Island cases in ages 20 to 39

Vancouver Island, COVID-19, cases, August 4, 2020
Cases of COVID-19 on Vancouver Island at August 4, 2020. No one in hospital. Five COVID deaths since the pandemic began.

Tuesday August 4, 2020 ~ VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC

by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., editor | West Shore Voice News

Today four days’ of BC Centre for Disease Control statistics on COVID-19 cases were released all at once today August 4, following the BC Day long weekend.

Among the 146 new cases in BC over the four days (since Friday July 31 to mid-day August 4), two are on Vancouver Island (i.e. in the Island Health Authority).

One COVID-19 case on Vancouver Island is a person in the 20 to 29 year age group, and the other is a person in the 30 to 39 year age group.

The total number of cases on Vancouver Island during the full pandemic is now 146. No one is in hospital within Island Health right now due to COVID. On the island 137 people have recovered from COVID-19 infection; there have been five deaths among island residents (2.5% of the total BC deaths due to COVID).

Total cases in BC:

age grouping, COVID, BC, August 42020
As of August 4, 2020 there are 3,787 cases of COVID-19 in BC, shown here by age grouping. Today there are 146 new cases, a tally of four days over the BC Day long weekend. [BC Centre for Disease Control]

In all of BC, there have been 3,787 test-positive cases of COVID-19 (that includes some epi-linked cases), including the 146 new cases since July 31.

In the four-day report given today by Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry there were no new cases in ages 70+ over the four days.

The bulk of infections in the four-day report were in the middle-age adult groups (30 to 59 years of age), totaling to 69 cases (47.2%).

Timing is worrisome ahead of back-to-school:

For all the efforts and sacrifices made by individuals, families, businesses and entire industry sectors, this steady increase of cases over the summer (36.5 per day over the last four days) is becoming quite frustrating for many people, and worrisome ahead of return-to-school.