Home News by Region Sooke Sooke Arts Council gifts $1000 to EMCS scholarship & $1500 to Sooke...

Sooke Arts Council gifts $1000 to EMCS scholarship & $1500 to Sooke Fine Arts Society

Sooke Community Arts Council
Donations from Sooke Community Arts Council.

Thursday, May 9, 2019 ~ SOOKE [Updated May 10, 2019]

by West Shore Voice News – with notes from Chelsea Kirkpatrick

Two generous donations were issued by the Sooke Arts Council (SAC) on Tuesday evening this week during their May meeting held at Jenny’s Country Pantry & Tea Shoppe in Sooke town centre.

Just a few people attended the May 7 meeting, with many groups stretched for time and looking for volunteers. SAC president Linda Gordon welcomed everyone to the meeting with a short speech.

Sooke Community Arts, Sooke Fine Arts Society
Cheque for $1,500 donated to the Sooke Fine Arts Society (SFAS president Geraldine McGuire, left) by Sooke Arts Council president Linda Gordon [West Shore Voice News photo by Chelsea Kirkpatrick]

Sooke Fine Arts Society president Geraldine McGuire accepted a $1,500 cheque from SAC that evening to help support the youth aspect of the annual Sooke Fine Arts Show.

SAC then issued a $1,000 cheque to the Edward Milne Community School (EMCS) for a scholarship payment to a Grade 12 graduate going into the arts. The donation was received by Al Phipps of the ECMS career counselling department. Phipps was appreciative, speaking briefly about how $1,000 can help a struggling student reach their dreams. 

During the meeting, District of Sooke Councillor Brenda Parkinson spoke on her ideas for Canada Day. An art project taking place during the Canada Day event will be titled ‘One brush, one colour, one stroke’ which represents the idea of every artist who picks up a brush, chooses a colour, and begins a creation with a first stroke. Every person who comes to the booth may add their one stroke to the composite painting. This project is being sponsored by Sooke Community Arts council, which is spearheaded by Linda Gordon.

SAC will purchase one of two locally made 5 ft x 3 ft canvases (by students at the local EMCS high school) to paint on during the Canada Day celebration. The District of Sooke will be purchasing the other one. Both will be decorated by the public and gifted to the District of Sooke for display in council chambers. 

EMCS grad scholarship, Sooke Community Arts
Cheque for $1,000 donated to EMCS (accepted by EMCS Career Counsellor Al Phipps) by Sooke Arts Council president Linda Gordon [West Shore Voice News photo by Chelsea Kirkpatrick]

Peter Johnassen spoke about the upcoming free family orientated 4th annual Sooke Music Festival, a two-day event. On August 3 there will be 14 acts from 11 am to 9 pm including Amber Academy, bands and artists, a martial arts show along with many food vendors. The festival will include refreshments by local businesses (including Sooke Brewing Company, Sooke Oceanside Brewery, Bad Dog Brewery, and Sheringham Distillery).  SAC will volunteer face painting, rock painting, and aother activities. The District of Sooke will have a booth. The next day on August 4 there will be a “mini-second festival” (12 to 6 pm) unofficially called “Sooke Day” with fewer vendors and all artists/bands being local.

SAC organizes Art in the Park each summer and also a Fun Day for kids that is coming up this Saturday May 11 at SEAPARC. This will also be a show at the South Shore Art Gallery in Sooke town centre with local fibre art work and glass jewellery.

The meeting ended with agreements between all groups that they would support and volunteer within each others activities.