Home Election Tracker BC Municipal 2018 Margot Swinburnson seeks re-election to SD62 board

Margot Swinburnson seeks re-election to SD62 board

margot sswinburnson, sd62

Tuesday, October 16 ~ SOOKE. “The last few years have been a roller coaster ride, but we’re building on success into the future,” says incumbent SD62 school trustee candidate Margot Swinburnson (Milne’s Landing Zone).

After 17 years as a trustee with SD62, she is looking forward to another term, seeking re-election with the support of her base in Sooke and Juan de Fuca areas. That would be for one seat out of three from that Zone (the other four seats on the SD62 board are from the Belmont Zone in the west shore).

In the 19 years that Swinburnson has been a trustee, she says that the board has:

  1. Developed a strong strategic plan that is renewed frequently
  2. Been part of the process that developed a strong vision for learners that has been adopted through the district
  3. Developed a consultation process with our municipalities and administrators
  4. Built a strong and capable administrative infrastructure
  5. Improved graduation rates
  6. Improved Aboriginal Graduation rates so they are among the best in the Province
  7. Built Poirier Elementary School, Happy Valley School (post-fire), Crystal View, John Muir Middle School, the new Belmont in Langford, and the new Royal Bay Secondary in Colwood.

Margot also outlines programs started within SD62 including:

  • Academies – First one was the Girls Hockey at EMCS. Now, rugby, soccer, hockey, dance, football, golf and riding- which I will say I was deeply involved in
  • Trades programs – Can you believe when I started the average age for entry to Camosun was 28?
  • Now trades, Lower Island Consortium, TASK programs
  • Wellness centers: Because of our advocacy, we have physician support not only at Belmont but also at Royal Bay and EMCS weekly. We are currently negotiating a full service wellness center at Royal Bay like the one at Belmont.
  • Dual Credit
  • Advanced Placement
  • Nature K
  • Total French Immersion at John Muir

“Moving forward, my goal is to maintain all this with the strong infrastructure we have built, and continue the long work I have been doing to advocate for seamless mental health, addictions and resilience strategies and resources for our students, staff and families,” said Swinburnson during this campaign. “My goal is to see this seamless and sustainable for the future.”

In the next 4 years in SD62 there will be the ongoing pressures of capital improvements and expansion, says Swinburnson.  And with her focus on health concerns, she notes the continuing pressure of the mental health/opioid crisis on schools. “Above all we need to continue to maintain our progress in student achievement, in our Aboriginal grad rates and keep our eyes focused on the main goal, to improve the opportunities for all the students in our school district every day,” she says.

As for territory, Swinburnson says: “As a Milne’s Landing Trustee, I need to make sure the focus does not get lost in the west shore, and our needs get addressed, such as the need for another new elementary school as well as seismic upgrading or general renovations.”

“I am very proud of what has been achieved by our Board over the last 19 years, and hope for your support for the next four as we move ahead,” she says.