Home News by Region BC & National New Grade 10 curriculum in place for 2018-2019

New Grade 10 curriculum in place for 2018-2019

new curriculum, BC, K-12
New curriculum for Grade 10 in BC public schools starts for 2018-2019

Friday, August 31 ~ BC.

Back to School in public education across BC, starts on Tuesday, September 4, 2018. The new curriculum in BC gives students a better chance of success, says the BC Ministry of Education.

All K-9 students in BC are benefiting from a new curriculum that provides a hands-on learning approach that encourages collaboration, critical thinking and communication.

This year, the new curriculum will be in place for Grade 10. Grades 11 and 12 will be added next year.

The government’s website at https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca has information on graduation literacy and numeracy assessment and the new finalized Grade 10 curriculum.

Curriculum details are now online, by subject area: Applied Design, Skills and Technologies; Arts Education; Career Education; English Language Arts; French as first language; French Immersion Language Arts; Mathematics; Physical and Health Education; Science; Languages; Social Studies; and Additional Offerings.

  • BC scholarships are available in academics, athletics, art: bced.gov.bc.ca/awards
  • New resources and training for students, parents, education and community partner regarding keeping children free from discrimination, bullying, harassment, intimidation and violence, including an updated safety-reporting tool, being launched this September: http://www.gov.bc.ca/erase
  • Foundry centres provide a one-stop-shop for young people to access mental health care, substance-use services, primary care, social services and youth and family peer supports: http://www.foundrybc.ca
  • Tuition-free English language learning courses are offered through various public institutions that offer tuition-free English-language learning courses: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/adult-education/adult-upgrading-learn-english
  • Academic courses are free of charge for all BC adult learners, including for upgrading and making a career change. http://ow.ly/pMEf30ezu6n
  • A $1,200 grant is available for elementary students born between 2006 and 2010. No additional fees or financial contributions are needed to sign up for the $1,200 BC Training and Education Savings Grant, to help plan for your child’s future: http://ow.ly/pMEf30ezu6n
  • Preparation for emergencies: learn how to put together an emergency kit and create an emergency response plan: