Home Business & Economy Jobs & Employment 2021 Canada Summer Jobs application deadline now Feb 3

2021 Canada Summer Jobs application deadline now Feb 3

Priorities set by MPs | Cowichan-Malahat-Langford & Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke

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Youth will have access to government-funded jobs in 2021.

Thursday January 28, 2021 | VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC [Updated January 29, 2021]

by Mary P Brooke, editor | Island Social Trends

There are a few more days left for businesses and non-profits to submit their applications for Canada Summer Jobs 2021 funding.

The applications period opened on December 21, 2020 and now remains open to 12 noon Pacific Time on Wednesday February 3, 2021 (previously January 29). Applications can be submitted online.

Youth is the target audience for these government-supported jobs. Youth is defined as ages 15 to 30 years. Jobs can run past summer, into February 2022.

Helping small businesses during COVID:

Last year, in response to the COVID-19 situation, flexibilities were introduced to respond to the needs of employers and youth. As a response to the ongoing pandemic, similar (but not identical) temporary flexibilities will be applied this year to help small businesses operate. These include:

  • a wage subsidy, so that private and public-sector employers can receive up to 75 percent of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage for each employee (not-for-profit organizations will continue to receive 100 percent); note in 2020 the coverage was 100 percent for small business as well as non-profits, so this year more strength is sought in the businesses and organizations that apply;
  • an extension to the end date for employment to February 26, 2022; and
  • allowing employers to hire staff on a part-time basis (prior to 2020, all CSJ hiring had to be full-time).
Alistair MacGregor, MP
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) participating in a House of Commons Vote (September 2020)

Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) encourages all employers in the Cowichan-Malahat-Langford riding who are interested in applying for CSJ 2021 funding to prepare their applications and take advantage of application availability now.

Priorities for the Cowichan-Malahat-Langford jobs this year are those that support local and regional tourism development, community-based organizations, not-for-profit organizations, small businesses and Indigenous groups.

“Following feedback from stakeholders across the country, changes have been made for CSJ 2021,” says MacGregor. “It is my hope that these changes will make it easier for employers to provide good quality summer jobs, and for youth to access those quality jobs.”

Small businesses, non-for-profit organizations and public sector employers are encouraged to apply.

Randall Garrison, MP (Esquimalt-Saanich Sooke) also has set priorities for the Canada Summer Jobs applications in his riding. Those are: Projects supporting environmental protection, not-for-profit organizations, community-specific to the Westshore and Sooke, community organizations addressing issues related to COVID-19 (e.g. Community services providing food distribution, counselling, and/or healthcare assistance), and the food security sector.

Randall Garrison MP
Randall Garrison, MP (Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke)

Set up with a GCOS account:

Applicants who do not have an account on the secure Government Grants and Contributions Online Services portal are encouraged to create one prior to undertaking the application process. Registration is a one-time process that allows employers to submit their applications for CSJ funding and other funding opportunities offered through Employment and Social Development Canada.

“I am pleased to learn that Employment and Social Development Canada is renewing the flexibilities to the Canada Summer Jobs program that assisted employers as they navigated the COVID-19 pandemic last year,” said MP MacGregor. “While we all look forward to a less chaotic year ahead, it is vital that the government continue to assist employers through the culmination of this crisis.”

Program objectives:

The Canada Summer Jobs program objectives align with the redesigned Youth Employment and Skills Strategy and are as follows:

  • Provide quality work experiences for youth (ages 15 to 30);
  • Respond to national and local priorities to improve access to the labour market for youth who face unique barriers (these vary from year to year, but have included women, Indigenous, and people with disabilities); and
  • Provide opportunities for youth to develop and improve their skills (a training component is part of the commitment for employers).

Youth will be able to search for jobs available in their communities through the Job Bank website and app.

“Particularly during these extraordinary times, I realize the impacts small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and public sector employers have on our community. I encourage all interested local organizations to apply for Canada Summer Jobs 2021 funding,” stated MacGregor.

For more information, visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2020/12/csj0.html

Alistair MacGregor, MP, Cowichan-Malahat-Langford
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) is available by phone and email during COVID-19. He is the agriculture critic for the NDP, as well as the critic for regional economic development in BC.
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