Home Election Tracker By-Elections 13 voting places for Langford-Juan de Fuca by-election

13 voting places for Langford-Juan de Fuca by-election

voting places, langford-juan de fuca, sooke, langford

Monday June 5, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated 3:45 pm]

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends


If you’re a resident of Langford, Sooke, Highlands or Juan de Fuca you can vote in the upcoming by-election in Langford-Juan de Fuca.

You can vote in the Langford-Juan de Fuca by-election if you are:

  • a resident of the Langford-Juan de Fuca electoral district,
  • 18 or older on June 24, 2023,
  • a Canadian citizen, and
  • a resident of B.C. since December 23, 2022.

13 locations:

The voting stations are spread throughout the large riding, including seven in Langford (including the District Electoral Office), and one each in Sooke (at SEAPARC Leisure Complex), East Sooke, Highlands, Shirley, Otter Point, and Port Renfrew.


Only the District Electoral Office location (in the Belmont Market mall in Langford) and the voting station at SEAPARC Leisure Complex in Sooke are open for both advance voting (June 16 to 21) and election day (June 24).

The Four Points Sheraton location in Langford is open for June 16 to 19 only, as well as election day.

The Gordon United Church location in Langford is open June 20 and 21 for advance voting, but not on election day.

voting places, langford-juan de fuca, by-election, elections bc
Voting places (advance and election day) for the Langford-Juan de Fuca by-election in June 2023. [Elections BC]

Voting hours:

Advance Voting (June 16 to 21) and Election Day (June 24) voting is available 8 am to 8 pm at the voting place locations.

As well, you can vote now through June 24 at the District Electoral Office at 110-955 Reunion Avenue in Langford during Mon-Fri 9 am to 5 pm, and Saturdays 10 am to 4 pm.

deo, district electoral office, langford
The Langford-Juan de Fuca District Electoral Office (DEO) is at 110-955 Reunion Ave in Langford. [Photo May 30, 2023 | Island Social Trends]

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Island Social Trends (and the previous publications MapleLine Magazine 2008-2010, Sooke Voice News 2011-2013, and West Shore Voice News 2014-2020) delivers socioeconomic news insights about life on the west shore of south Vancouver Island. All news is posted at IslandSocialTrends.ca . Editor Mary P Brooke. Published by Brookeline Publishing House Inc. | Never miss a story: PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION SIGNUP