Friday, November 23 ~ LANGFORD.
West Shore Voice News November 23, 2018 Print-PDF Issue
WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.4 No.4
SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.8 No.45
Week #409
This ‘Langford Affordable Housing’ Issue of West Shore Voice News presents page 1 news: Referendum ballot return deadline extended in face of ongoing postal strike | 80 more affordable housing units in Langford, with 36 child care spaces | Ride-hailing set up for public safety
- Editorial this week looks at Federal government’s attempt to help local journalism but that the present ideas open dangerous territory [Editorial]
- Other news: Networking event encourages women to run for elected office | North Saanich councillor quits after a month | Belmont Residences now 50% pre-sold | Roadscapes are changing in Langford | Rugby Canada heading to World Cup 2019 | Ammonia drill at SEAPARC Nov 29 | New preschooler’s
play structure in Brooks Park in Sooke | SD62 looks at increasing capital with fee hike for developers (pg 5) | French-speaking youth from across Canada to gather in Victoria, July 2020 | Referendum Ballot returns (at Nov 23) | Soft touch for Sooke holiday season concert | Langford Firefighters at Xmas (pg 6) | Fresh tree safety tips | Xmas trees help grads

EVENTS on page 6: Lots coming up for the holiday season. | Also visit the online Events page for updates.
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