Home Election Tracker BC Municipal 2022 Where to vote in the west shore on Oct 15

Where to vote in the west shore on Oct 15

Where to vote in LANGFORD, COLWOOD, HIGHLANDS & METCHOSIN on General Election Day Oct 15, 2022

voting, locations, west shore, oct 15
Voting locations for Langford, Colwood, Highlands and Metchosin, on Oct 15, 2022.

Friday October 14, 2022 | LANGFORD, BC

Posted by Island Social Trends

General Voting Day across BC is on Saturday October 15. In the west shore of Greater Victoria, that includes in the municipalities of Langford, Colwood, Highlands and Metchosin.

You can vote for municipal mayoral candidates, municipal council candidates, and school trustees for School District 62 (Belmont Zone), at these locations:

oct 15, 2022, election, locations
Voting locations for Langford, Colwood, Highlands and Metchosin, on Oct 15, 2022.
  • Langford (3 locations): Happy Valley Elementary (3291 Happy Valley Rd), Millstream Elementary (626 Hoylake Rd), Ruth King Elementary (2764 Jacklin Rd)
  • Colwood: Colwood City Hall, 3300 Wishart Rd
  • Highlands: Highlands Community Hall, 729 Finlayson Arm Rd
  • Metchosin: Metchosin Community Hall, 4401 William Head Rd

12-hour voting opportunity:

The voting places are open 8 am to 8 pm (Pacific Time) on October 15. Allow time for arriving, parking, and lining up to vote.


Bring at least one form of personal identification (ID) which shows your current residential address. Bring one form of ID which includes your signature.

If you have recently moved, bring along a utility bill showing your current address.

Four-year term:

All mayors, municipal councilors and school trustees are expected to serve a four-year term 2022-2026.

Campaigning still allowed:

Elections BC says that candidates are allowed to hand out brochures, do canvassing door to door around the community, and take part in ‘main streeting’ (go around town to encourage people to vote).

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===== LINKS:

Elections BC

All candidates for municipal mayors and councillors in BC (Civic Info BC)

All candidates for school trustees in BC (Civic Info BC)