Saturday January 15, 2022 | VICTORIA, BC [Updated January 18 & 24, 2022]
by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc. | Island Social Trends
As the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly in communities and workplaces, today Island Health has declared COVID-19 outbreaks at five long-term care homes.
The two impacted facilities are in Victoria. Both are operated by private ventures or Societies.
Three long-term care homes in Victoria:
Luther Court long-term care home in Victoria
- Three staff members and two residents have been attributed to this outbreak. The outbreak declaration is limited to the 2 East unit of the home.
- Luther Court Long Term Care is owned and operated by the Luther Court Society.
- Location: 1525 Cedar Hill X Rd
The Heights at Mt View long-term care home
- One staff case and one resident case have been attributed to this outbreak. The outbreak declaration is only limited to the 4th Floor.
- The Heights at Mt View is owned and operated by Baptist Housing.
- Location: 3814 Carey Rd
- This outbreak was declared over on January 24, 2022.
James Bay Long-Term Care Home
- Three resident cases have been attributed to this outbreak. The outbreak declaration is limited to the 5th and 6th floors.
- James Bay Care Centre is owned and operated by Revera.
- Location: 336 Simcoe St.
One Assisted Living in Victoria:
Selkirk Seniors Village Assisted Living
- One resident has tested positive for COVID-19. The outbreak destination is limited to the 6th Floor of the assisted living side of the site.
- This is *not* related to the existing outbreak on the 3rd Floor in long-term care side.
- Selkirk Seniors Village is owned and operated by West Coast Seniors Housing Management (based out of Langley, BC).
- Location: 385 Waterfront Cres
- This outbreak was declared over on January 18 (in total one resident case, limited to the 6th floor).
One Hospital in Victoria:
Royal Jubilee Hospital
- Three patient cases at Royal Jubilee Hospital have been attributed to this outbreak. The outbreak declaration is limited to the 8 South East general medicine unit. No other portions of the hospital are affected. “It is still safe to seek care at RJH and people should not avoid seeking emergency care if they need it,” says Island Health in a statement today.
- Location: 1952 Bay St
Outbreak response protocols:
In general, the following outbreak response protocols have been implemented by Island Health at the sites:
- No admissions or transfers to affected units;
- Staff movement will be limited wherever possible;
- No congregate dining or group activities for residents of affected units;
- Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures will continue;
- Residents, families and staff are being notified;
- Enhanced screening of all staff and residents for symptoms;
- COVID-19 testing as determined by the Medical Health Officer and Infection Prevention and Control.
During this time, Island Health will support the sites to take any further actions required and answer questions from staff, residents and family members.
Island Health has implemented comprehensive strategies to prevent and respond to COVID-19 in long-term care, acute care, assisted living and licensed care facilities. For more information about COVID-19, see www.islandhealth.ca/covid19
===== RELATED:
Omicron: 5th COVID variant is going strong (January 8, 2022)
COVID outbreaks at 5 long-term care homes (January 5, 2022 | Updated January 15, 2022)
COVID rolls into 2022: tough couple of weeks ahead (January 4, 2022)
BC teachers want N95 masks & booster priority (January 4, 2022)
Island Health looks ahead into 2022 (January 4, 2022)