Home Health Island Health Vax Van at Pacific FC home game in Langford July 30

Vax Van at Pacific FC home game in Langford July 30

Get vaccinated with your first dose, maybe win a prize!

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The Vax Van is part of the Island Health initiative to provide COVID vaccinations (first dose) in a convenient way. [Island Health]

Thursday July 29, 2021 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., Editor | Island Social Trends

It’s part of making vaccination convenient, to have a mobile van offering COVID vaccination in the Island Health region.

The van started out in Nanaimo earlier this week on its island-wide tour. Tomorrow night the Vax Van will make a pit stop at the first home game of the Pacific FC season.

The soccer game kickoff — Pacific FC taking on Calgary’s Cavalry FC — is at 6:30 pm on Friday July 30 at Starlight Stadium at 1089 Langford Parkway in Langford. The Vax Van will be on site from 6 pm through to 8:30 pm.

Island Health’s Vax Van is a custom mobile COVID-19 immunization clinic.

The Vax Van team will be on-site to make it easy for anyone in attendance (age 12 or older) to get their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine without an appointment. “Look for our Vax Van signs – you won’t be able to miss us!,” said Island Helath today.

Get vaxxed, win a prize:

As an added bonus, Pacific FC is offering those who get their first dose at the game the chance to win a special prize.

First dose only:

In the coming weeks the Vax Van team will continue to visit popular recreation and commercial areas in communities across the Island.  Watch the COVID-19 Vaccine section of Island Health’s website for updates about the van schedule which includes Cumberland (August 4), Courtenay (August 5), Campbell River (August 6) and Sooke (August 9).

register online, vaccination, COVID
The Vax Van offers only first-dose COVID vaccine injections. To get your second dose (or any first dose) register online.

Please note that second dose immunizations are not available at the Vax Van. Please make an appointment at a local immunization clinic to get your second dose of vaccine. Walk-ins for first doses are welcome at all immunization clinics.

Team is glad to be back:

Earlier today, the Pacific FC coach told media in a Zoom call that the players are happy to be back on home turf after starting the COVID-restricted 2021 Canadian Premier League (CPL) season in a ‘bubble’ scenario in Winnipeg for a few weeks.

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Island Health – mobile Vax Van COVID immunization clinic

Pacific FC

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