Home Education Post-Secondary Trudeau highlights challenges & opportunities for 2020 grads

Trudeau highlights challenges & opportunities for 2020 grads

"I know you got this, and so do you." ~ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offering inspiration to the class of 2020 at Carleton University

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, June 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a speech suitable to all graduates of 2020, in Ottawa at Carleton University on June 10, 2020.

Wednesday June 10, 2020 ~ OTTAWA | NATIONAL

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

Addressing the graduating class at Carleton University but effectively all post-secondary grads and the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cast one of his first philosophical nets around the many feelings, trends and potential new directions that have been produced by the experience of COVID-19 by all Canadians but particularly youth.

It was one of his first opportunities to speak aside from a formal political podium to be both philosopher and cultural leader. A teacher himself in an earlier time in his career, he seemed fully abreast of the meaning of graduation — a day that some see as only a stiff and formal process of walking across a stage to get a piece of paper, but one which demarcates the launch of opportunities for a meaningful life ahead.

Wearing masks, Trudeau and two graduates arrived in front of the camera for the livestreamed event just after 8 am Ottawa time. Each sat on a stool in the background, with their mask on, until it was time to speak. Taking off the mask at the podium carried the symbolism of emphasizing the importance of being present to speak.

University of Toronto John H. Moss scholar Lana El Sanyoura spoke about believing “a better future is possible” that that “nothing worth having comes easy” She proposed that the pandemic has highlighted systemic injustice in various forms. She encouraged fellow graduates to use their education and “voices to make a differences”.

Carleton University graduate Jordan Gray, said that the class of 2020 has been “gifted with a new decade to write the next chapter of our country and of our world”. He suggested to “let us take in the magnitude of this moment and pause in the reflection of our successes” at this, that is the beginning of this new decade. Himself of colour, he addressed the recent uprising of anti-racist support in society, says that “discretions” are often “structurally supported by our own institutions”.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, commencement address, Carleton University, June 10 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau presented the VIP commencement speech to the Grad Class of 2020 at Carleton University, flanked by a Carleton grad (Jordan – left) and University of Toronto grad (Lana – right). The 11-minute address was livestreamed on Wednesday morning, June 10, 2020.

Trudeau wore tones of blue — suit and tie, with a black mask. With the mask off, his words were polished and he was relaxed but clearly enthusiastic at this opportunity to influence the kick-off of a new phase of society in Canada through a group of “smart, skilled, creative and ambitious” young adults who “have everything you need not only to achieve, succeed and build, but to be happy.”

Here is the full text of Trudeau’s 11-minute address:

Hello everyone. First, congratulations are in order. You’ve worked so hard for so many years to get to graduation day. And you should all be very proud of yourselves. But let’s be real. This day is nothing like you imagined it to be. And the world is a much different place than anyone  could have predicted even a year ago. It’s tough… you should be celebrating with your friends, taking pictures i your gowns. Attending the ceremony on campus. Walking across the stage to get your diploma, Waiting for that commence speaker to finish their speech. Thinking about the parties you’ll be attending later that night.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, January 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau observes a moment of silence before Question Period on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Jan. 27, 2020 regarding Flight 752 [BLAIR GABLE/REUTERS]

But this year is different. You, are different. No student gets to choose the world into which they graduate. But if you could, and let’s be honest here — you probably wouldn’t have chosen the world of 2020. The Australian bush fires linked to climate change, the horrific plane crash in Iran, the worst mass shooting in our country’s history, horrifying scenes of police violence against black and indigenous peoples. And of course, the reason we’re all gathered here virtually and not in person – COVID-19 which has triggered the greatest health and economic crisis in generations.

Recent events have brought a lot of hardship and uncertainty to your lives. And you’ve had to make unprecedented sacrifices. You’ve had to totally rethink the coming months. And the normal stresses of graduating and next steps has just reached a whole new level. 2020 has also exposed the limitations and flaws of our world, the world that you are set to inherit. That can be unsettling and even alarming.

Trudeau, taking a knee
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ‘took a knee’ during an 8-minute, 46-second period of silence in memory of George Floyd during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Ottawa on June 5, 2020.

But it’s also a wake up call, a wake up call on how much you are needed. Because here’s the thing. Your generation has acutely sensed what was wrong with the world and what needed to be fixed. You marched for climate change, you had the courage to say #MeToo, you pushed along the road to reconciliation, you stood up because black lives matter, and demanded the freedom to love who you love, to be who you are.

Make no mistake, getting a degree is a momentous achievement but you never needed a piece of paper to call out injustice. You didn’t wait for this day to demand change, to create change. Very few graduating classes in living memory will have faced the challenge of this magnitude. But the Class of 1939 comes to mind. The Greatest generation came out of the Depression to fight a world war that they didn’t start. And then in the face of unprecedented destruction they chose to rebuild the world by rolling up their sleeves and pulling together – they built the institutions that carried us through the second half of the 20th century. They set the world on a path of more solidarity, more compassion, more understanding. They sacrificed a lot, they dreamed big, they worked hard, and they left us a world far better than they found it.

grad 2020
Graduation 2020

The challenge facing the class of 2020 is not dissimilar. The choices you will make both big and small in the next few years, will decide the future of our country and our world. And I cannot think of a generation better prepared to set us on the right path forward. COVID-19 has taken many things away from you, least of which is a proper graduation. The last few months have been incredibly frustrating.

But this pandemic is also teaching us important lessons. For one, it’s taught us how much we need one another. To defeat this virus, everyone has to play their part. And young people have stepped up. You’ve made real sacrifices to protect your elders, you finished your degree on online. You haven’t hugged a friend, let alone had a date, in months. And you’ve chosen to help out your your parents, your neighbours, your community during this tough time. Whether your’e volunteering with a local charity or helping a business adapt to the new normal, you are stepping up. You get it.

What matters most is looking out for the most vulnerable. Understanding the impact of our choices on others, and being there for each other. This is what these unprecedented times are teaching you and reminding us all. That friends matter, that the people around us matter. It’s time that we reclaimed the idea of community, that being a good neighbour, of being a good friend both online and in real life. That is something you are uniquely prepared to achieve. You grew up seeing and engaging with people online that may not speak the same language as you or carry the same passport as you but who share your values, your outrage, your passion.

You came of age during events like Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring, the Quebec student protests, Idle No More, and the rise of populism and nativism around the western world. More recently you’ve echoed the calls for democracy in Hong Kong. You’ve amplified the call for more justice, more accountability, more equality, sparked in Minneapolis. You understand not just the value but the power of community, better than most.

And that’s why I trust that you will be the 21st century’s greatest generation. You know what is wrong with the world and how to fix it. Your job is not only to challenge people like me but to bring us along. The road ahead will not be an easy one. There will be setbacks, disappointments and heartbreak along the way. But you have everything you need to achieve what you set your mind to. You’re incredibly smart, skilled, creative and ambitious. You’re also passionate, kind and empathetic.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, February 21, 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaving meetings about the blockades, at the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa February 21, 2020 [web]

And you’re Canadian… you are connected to and welcome in almost every corner of the world. You appreciate the opportunities, privilege and responsibilities that come with calling this country home. But you also know that Canada is far from perfect. That we are still very much a work in progress. And your generation has enthusiastically embraced the hard truth that we have to do better. That doesn’t take away the deep pride that comes with being Canadian. In fact, our determination to improve, our willingness to learn, and our optimism about the future is at the heart of who we are, as a country.

We all know that Canada didn’t happen by accident and won’t continue without effort. And if there is such a thing as Canadian exceptionalism, it’s not the belief that Canada is the best country in the world. It’s knowing that we could be. That our work is never finished, that our golden age is always ahead of us. I know the future can seem especially daunting. But believe me, when I say, that you have everything you need not only to achieve, succeed and build, but to be happy.

No one gets to choose the world into which they graduate but you do get to choose the world that will be your legacy. You the class of 2020 are different – you were always different. Recent events have just opened our eyes to what was right in front of us all along – that you care, and you care about each other, you care about people you’ve never met and never will. You care about what happens next. I know you got this, and so do you.

==== speech audio transcribed by West Shore Voice News