Wednesday March 31, 2021 | COLWOOD, BC [Updated 9 am & 12:45 pm on April 1, 2021]
by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends
Pilgrim Coffee House in Colwood is brewing on (and keeping the patio happening), despite changes to public health restrictions that were announced on Monday March 29.
Today the COVID-19 daily case count reached a new record at 1,013 (or possibly 1,014 depending on which public health report you read).
On their Facebook page yesterday, Jan and John and team at Pilgrim posted this announcement about their continued service as take-out only (just like last year in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic):
“Dr Bonnie Henry may have pulled the breaker, but Pilgrim Coffee House is open and we are abiding by the new restrictions. Open Monday thru Saturday 8:00 am till 4:00 pm for take out. We have limited seating out on the patio deck. We are here for you, let’s continue to help each other thru this test of endurance. And as always we thank you so much for your support.” [Easter Weekend – Open Fri & Sat | Closed Sun & Mon]
The popular family-owned coffee shop has always had an ambiance of truly “taking a pause amidst the action”. They get to know their customers, and they stick to what works in terms of running a business.
The pre-built customer satisfaction that the Pilgrim team has built instinctively is a big part of what’s keeping their lights on as the pandemic restrictions tighten, loosen and now tighten again.
Selling Drumroaster coffee, the type and flavour of beans might change at Pilgrim Coffee House from time to time, but that’s part of the experience. Their Facebook page is also a bit of a watering hole of a more ethereal nature.
That together with work-hard business smarts, it all works.
===== LINKS:
Three-week circuit breaker announced by Premier and Dr Henry on March 29, 2021