Home Education Westshore - SD62 Sooke School District hiring fair Nov 22

Sooke School District hiring fair Nov 22

In the foyer at EMCS high school in Sooke | 3:30 to 6:30 pm

sd62, ad

Monday November 21, 2022 | SOOKE, BC [As previously posted on November 17, 2022]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

School District 62 (Sooke) is hiring for a range of jobs.

The SD62 Career Fair is being held on Tuesday November 22.

SD62 operates schools in Sooke, Colwood and Langford for the delivery of K-12 public education.

Range of job opportunities:

Edward Milne Community School (EMCS) in Sooke [March 2021 – Island Social Trends]

People who are interested may drop-in to find out about various positions that SD62 is hiring for, including:

  • bus drivers
  • custodians
  • education assistants
  • noon-hour supervision assistants

At the local high school:

The career fair will be held in the foyer at Edward Milne Community School (EMCS), 6218 Sooke Road, in Sooke — from 3:30 to 6:30 pm.

There is parking available in the school parking lot, or along the roadway.

bus driver, sd62
SD62 bus driver [May 2021 – file photo – Island Social Trends]

Apply in person:

If you expect to apply in-person that day, you’re advised to bring along a copy of your resume.

There will be staff from each department present so you can ask questions. We will even have someone on-site to help you apply. 

An activity table for children will be available, so feel free to bring young children along as required.

More information from SD62:

SD62 Career Fair in Sooke | Make a Future

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