Home News by Region Juan de Fuca Sheringham Lighthouse AGM coming up September 29

Sheringham Lighthouse AGM coming up September 29

Restoration, road access, orca monitoring by wi-fi

Sheringham Point Lighthouse, Shirley BC, heritage site
Sheringham Point Lighthouse at sunset [SPLPHS]

Saturday, September 21, 2019 ~ SHIRLEY, BC

~ West Shore Voice News

The 2019 annual general meeting of the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society will be on Sunday, September 29.

The two-hour AGM will be held upstairs in the meeting room about the deli at Village Food Markets at 6661 Sooke Road, 2 to 4 pm.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society, AGM
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society AGM is on Sunday September 29, 2019 at 2 pm

The agenda will include reports on the ongoing site restoration work (Phase 3), public access road improvements, plans for stewardship of the Canadian Lighthouse Heritage site as a passive park, financial reports, and election of the board of directors and officers.

Also up for discussion: their oral history project, use of social media, a new lighthouse history book, and orca monitoring with wi-fi.

Members and supporters are welcome, as part of continued support and participation in the work to protect and care for the substantial heritage site.

Minutes from the last meeting (June 23, 2019) are available on the website.

Sheringham Lighthouse is a Canadian Heritage Site located at 1 Sheringham Point Road in Shirley BC (west of Sooke), open 9 am to 6 pm daily. Parking and access to the site is only via Sheringham Point Road (no other legal access is available — please respect the neighbours).