Home Education Westshore - SD62 SD62: will February 11 be a snow day?

SD62: will February 11 be a snow day?

Heavy snowfall has parents waiting overnight to hear about schools being open Monday

SD62, snowday, school bus
Lots of snow on Friday February 8 at one of the SD62 schools in the west shore. [SD62 photo]

Sunday, February 10, 2019 ~ WEST SHORE & SOOKE.

[Update: Monday February 11 – “Yes, it’s a snow day,” says SD62 Superintendent Scott Stinson.]

~ West Shore Voice News

Due to snow — parents and students should check the www.sd62.bc.ca website early on Monday morning February 11, or check on the radio, for school opening advisories and bus updates starting 6:30 am.

However it’s already decided about Port Renfrew school – it will be closed tomorrow and their Bus 12 will not be running.

SD62 Superintendent Scott Stinson tweeted around 6:30 pm this evening that as snow accumulates on the west shore and Sooke, the school district — that serves Langford, Colwood, Highlands, Metchosin, Sooke and Juan de Fuca areas — will continue to monitor road conditions for Monday.

An estimated 5 to 10 cm of snowfall will have accumulated by Monday morning, having started around 2 pm this Sunday afternoon. It could take a while for roadways to be cleared. And with daytime temperatures hovering around zero, both sidewalks and roads could be additionally slippery.

Declaring a snowday (i.e. schools closed or classes not in session) is not taken lightly. The school district realizes that parents often must get to work and also may not be able to find child care for any children that cannot get to school.

The Sooke School District SD62 can be followed on Twitter @SD62_Sooke  hashtag #sd62