Home Business & Economy Business Restaurants and pubs can expand their service areas to October 31

Restaurants and pubs can expand their service areas to October 31

Temporary expansion extends to October 31, 2020

patio, hotel
Restart BC now includes the expansion of restaurant food service to patio areas, as announced by BC Government on May 22, 2020.

Friday May 22, 2020 ~ VICTORIA, BC

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

On this Friday afternoon late in May, deep within the Phase 2 recovery mode of Restart BC, the provincial government has announced that it is “taking action to support the province’s hospitality sector” by temporarily authorizing the expansion of service areas.

The ‘safe reopening’ allows for expansion of patios and other service areas, all of which is in an effort to support the physical distancing requirements and industry recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Phase 2 of Restart BC has a tight footprint on the calendar — May 19 to 31 — during which the thawing of economic restriction is taking place in a controlled way. All expansion back out of essentially what has been a socioeconomic lockdown since mid-March is all based on the overall success of British Columbians in ‘flattening the curve’ (keeping the spread of COVID-19 within reasonable containment).

For now, Phase 3 is earmarked as taking place during June to September, including the reopening of full (but physically distanced) activity in schools. Physical distancing is the key objective in every phase. Phase 4 (back to a ‘new normal’) only comes once there is a vaccine or set of effective treatments for COVID-19.

COVID-19 hit the hospitality sector hard:

BC Attorney General David Eby [CBC screenshot / 2018 file photo]

“This pandemic has hit our hospitality sector hard. Our government has been working with industry on ways to support the more than 180,000 British Columbians who work in pubs, restaurants and other parts of the sector,” said David Eby, Attorney General in a news release today.

“Speeding up the process will help restaurants, pubs, breweries and other licensees, and give British Columbians more options for safely eating out this summer, while continuing to follow Dr. Henry’s directions.”

Online permit process for food-primary, liquor-primary and manufacturers:

To support businesses in their reopening efforts, the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation branch (LCRB) will now permit food-primary, liquor-primary and manufacturer licensees, such as wineries, breweries and distilleries, to apply through a simplified online process to temporarily expand their service areas until October 31, 2020.

The temporary authorizations are focused on expanding a licensed service area’s footprint only and will not permit an increase in an establishment’s overall occupancy. Licensees must comply with all local bylaws and liquor-primary and manufacturer licensees must also receive the approval of their local government.

temporary service area expansion, permit
Restaurants and other food-service establishments may apply for temporary seating area expansion permits.

No fee, but there will be post-permit inspections:

There are no fees associated with the temporary expansion applications, which will be reviewed in the order they are received using an expedited approval process for faster processing times.

While there will not be a site inspection prior to approval of the permit, inspectors will conduct regular compliance inspections.

Unprecedented challenges for the food service industry:

“This is excellent news that will be welcomed by all of our members and by businesses throughout B.C.,” said Ian Tostenson, president and CEO, B.C. Restaurant and Foodservices Association. “This pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for all of us, and it has been invaluable for government and industry to work together as they have, as we take these important steps toward recovery. We thank the Province for its significant efforts and look forward to rebuilding together.”

===== Links:

Read LCRB’s policy directive here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/liquor-regulation-licensing/liquor-law-policy/liquor-policy-directives

Submit an application for a temporary service area expansion here: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/cannabislicensing/

For the latest medical updates, including case counts, prevention, risks and testing, visit: http://www.bccdc.ca/
Or follow @CDCofBC on Twitter.

For provincial health officer orders, notices and guidance, visit: www.gov.bc.ca/phoguidance

For non-health related information, including financial, child care and education supports, travel, transportation and essential service information, visit: www.gov.bc.ca/Covid19 (http://www.gov.bc.ca/Covid-19)
Or call 1 888 COVID19 (1 888 268-4319) between 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Pacific time), seven days a week.