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Promotions launched for Comic Con 2019 in Victoria

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Comic Con in Victoria [image from March 2018]

Thursday, November 15 ~ VICTORIA.

by West Shore Voice News

Comic Con 2019 promotions have been launched! Supported by Destination Greater Victoria, the Downtown Victoria Business Association and Cherry Bomb Toys announced the ticket launch today November 15 in Victoria.

comic con, cosplay, victoria
Program guides at Inaugural Comic Con [March 2018 – West Shore Voice News photo]
On hand for the announcement were Destination Greater Victoria CEO Paul Nursey and owners of Cherry Bomb Toys and the National Toy Museum of Canada Candice Woodward and B Woodward.

The inaugural Comic Con in Victoria was a hit in 2018. March is a shoulder season for tourism in Greater Victoria, so the cosplay-activity is a way to boost tourist visits outside of high-season months, says Destination Greater Victoria.

Fun at Comic Con 2018 in Victoria [West Shore Voice News photo]
Capital City Comic 2019 will take place March 22 to 24. It will be a three-day celebration of fan culture and pop culture across many genres, including animation, anime/manga, toys, gaming,
fantasy, science fiction, television, movies, entertainment and comics.

“We are very excited to be building on the success of last year’s event” said Candice Woodward, Owner of Cherry Bomb Toys. “Capital City Comic Con allows people to come together and share their passion for toys, comics, cosplay and many other aspects of fan culture. We adore the con community and can’t wait
for 2019.”

“The Downtown Victoria Business Association is proud to once again partner on Capital City Comic Con,” said Pam Smith, Downtown Victoria Business Association Board of Directors Secretary. “We have many members either directly involved in fan culture or who benefit from the visitors that attend Capital City Comic Con. It is a fantastic way to drive business in the downtown core.”

The family-friendly event will again be held downtown at The Victoria Conference Centre & Crystal Garden.

The inaugural Victoria Capital City Comic Con back on March 16-18, 2018 attracted over 7,500 attendees. About a quarter of those came from beyond Greater Victoria to see the 200 exhibits and take part in the fun.

Organizers are expecting 9,000-12,000 attendees in 2019.

Entertainment guests will be announced in the coming weeks.

Tickets can be purchased from the Capital City Comic Con 2019 website at capitalcitycomiccon.ca . A three-day VIP pass is $99. Single-day passes range from $10 for ages 6-12 and $25-$35 for ages 13 and up. Family passes also available. Sponsorship packages are for sale on the Capital City Comic Con website.