Home Social Trends Gender & Women's Equity Pride month a time to keep pushing for equality: Mitzi Dean

Pride month a time to keep pushing for equality: Mitzi Dean

"Pride is a celebration of love." ~ Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity

Pride celebrations in BC 2020

Friday June 19, 2020 ~ VICTORIA, BC

~ Editor, West Shore Voice News: Our publication supports equity for all persons in all aspects of living. We have published the contents of Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, Mitzi Dean’s full June 16, 2020 statement about Pride during COVID-19 in full:

OPINION-EDITORIAL by Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity

June is Pride month, an event steeped in history that carries with it joy, pain, anger and profound importance for so many people in B.C. each year.

This year, Pride month began with the killing of George Floyd, which initiated an international outcry for police reforms and the need to tackle systemic racism. The widespread protests sparked from this injustice are a critical reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and how Pride month came about from a history rooted in protests led by Black and Hispanic LGBTQ2S+ activists.

Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, Mitzi Dean, May 26 2020
Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, Mitzi Dean (MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin) during press conference May 26, 2020.

Pride is a celebration of love. And for many, Pride is also a protest for equality and a time to honour trans activists of colour – such as Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera – who led the Stonewall protests, fighting to modernize LGBTQ2S+ rights, pushing justice, equality and love for all to the forefront.

Challenges for being who you are:

For me, Pride is also a recognition of the challenges many people continue to confront simply because of who they are. Even as we acknowledge the progress LGBTQ2S+ people have fought for, I appreciate how far we still have to go to make sure that everyone has the right to be who they are without fear and stigma, regardless of the colour of their skin, gender identity or sexual orientation.

For starters, we need to recognize that LGBTQ2S+ people continue to face discrimination, violence and harassment disproportionately, which puts them at risk for much higher rates of poverty, mental health issues and other complex challenges. For people of colour and Indigenous peoples, there are even more systemic prejudice and barriers to overcome.

Impact of the pandemic:

During this pandemic, we’ve seen the best in people, with many going above and beyond to support and care for others. Sadly, we’ve also seen very troubling actions driven by fear and ignorance. More than ever, we must join together and denounce acts of intimidation and violence fuelled by prejudice. Here in B.C., our government is taking action with the reinstatement of the Human Rights Commission and the creation of the Resilience BC anti-racism network to support inclusion and diversity, be it race, gender or sexuality.

Additionally, this pandemic has meant that thousands of people who would usually gather need to find new ways of coming together. Even though the pandemic means we must reimagine the way we connect, I hope we can continue to share what Pride means – be it a celebration or a protest – for our friends, family members, neighbours and communities.

Pushing for equality at any time:

Pride month – and in fact, every month – is a time for all of us to keep pushing for equality and surround those in our lives who identify as non-binary or as a member of any minority with all our support, compassion and protection.

As a government, we have acted and made important strides, even as we know there is still a long way to go. In B.C., we have ensured all 60 school districts, several First Nations and independent schools are part of the B.C. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Educator Network to help schools be more inclusive for students starting from their very first day in kindergarten. We have provided a third option in the gender field of government-issued identification for those who do not identify as male or female. We have also moved to ensure publicly funded, gender-affirming surgeries are available in B.C., so people don’t have to travel away from home to receive the care they need.

Surging forward during the pandemic:

Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity
Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity

We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has meant distress for many people who may have faced delays in their treatment plans or who have been distanced from friends, family and support networks.

We also know that this pandemic will not last forever. I encourage people to see this year’s Pride as an opportunity to connect with and support one another however you feel safest.

Reimagine what you can do to honour and celebrate Pride and diversity in your community. And in doing so, know that you have our unwavering support and commitment to continue the fight to advance the rights and freedoms for people of all sexual orientations, ethnic origins and gender identities so B.C. can be a place where people are truly free to be who they are.


2019 statement on LGBTQ2S+ rights by Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity (July 15, 2019)

Hon John Horgan, MLA [Langford-Juan de Fuca]
Hon John Horgan, MLA [Langford-Juan de Fuca]