Tuesday, October 29, 2019 ~ WEST SHORE
~ West Shore Voice News
Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 91/Langford) representatives launched their annual poppy campaign on Friday October 25 by visiting four municipalities: Langford, Colwood, Metchosin, and Highlands. At each stop they raised a ‘Lest We Forget’ flag and pinned a poppy on elected officials and municipal staff members.
Out front of Colwood City Hall a group of children (age 5 to 10 years) from Sunshine Out of School Care learned to affix poppies on their jackets, and then were greeted afterward by a few Legion representatives.

Poppies can be purchased by donation at many locations around the west shore community. Legion representatives and volunteers are actively attending outside retail stores and other areas with poppies for sale.
Revenues from selling pinnable poppies support veterans and legion activities across the country. As well, online at https://www.poppystore.ca/ there is a store where the Legion sells shirts, watches and ball caps.
The west shore Remembrance Day ceremony will be at Veterans Memorial Park in Langford on Monday November 11. People may wish to gather starting around 10:30 am. The parade leaves the Langford Legion (on Station Avenue near the park) at 10:45 am, arriving at the park for 10:55 am. At 11 am there will be two minutes silence followed by the laying of wreaths by dignitaries.

This year Premier John Horgan, Langford Mayor Stew Young, Highlands Mayor Ken Williams, Colwood Mayor Rob Martin, Colwood Councillor Gordie Logan, and Metchosin Councillor Kahakauwila will be attending. Brig General Awalt will represent the Canadian Armed Forces.
The Royal Roads ceremony will be attended by Colwood Councillors Michael Baxter and Stewart Parkinson.
The ceremony at the small cenotaph by the Juan de Fuca rec centre in Colwood will be attended by Colwood Councillors Doug Kobayashi and Cynthia Day.
In Esquimalt, Mitzi Dean MLA (Esquimalt-Metchosin) will attend a ceremony at God’s Acre cemetery early in the morning, and then attend the main Memorial Park ceremony at 10:30 am which will also be attended by Randall Garrison, MP (Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke).