Home News by Region BC & National PM invites youth to summit in Ottawa, deadline April 14

PM invites youth to summit in Ottawa, deadline April 14

Youth Summit video challenge open to all Canadians age 18 to 24

Canada Youth Summit
Canada Youth Summit application with video for May 2 & 3 event in Ottawa.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

~ West Shore Voice News

A Canada Youth Summit will be held in Ottawa May 2 and 3, 2019, it was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office this week.

This first such event will assemble 300 youth (ages 18 to 24) to discuss issues such as environmental protection and climate change, good jobs and service opportunities, and building more inclusive communities.

Previous youth leader participants have been invited, but now participation has also been opened to all youth across Canada by posting a video on social media #InspiredToServe about what service means to you and how it benefits your community.

There’s also an online application form to fill out. Deadline April 14, 2019.

Suggested themes for the videos: leadership/social impact, environment and climate change, health and wellness, innovation/skills, employment, truth and reconciliation, gender quality.

Travel expenses will be covered for the winners.

More: https://www.canada.ca/en/youth/services/canada-youth-summit.html