Home News by Region Sooke Pedestrian crossing reduces travel time for families within nature experience

Pedestrian crossing reduces travel time for families within nature experience

Sooke Mayor Maja Tait hosted the outdoor trail groundbreaking celebration on Feb 7, 2025.

pedestrian crossing, tait, sd62, Sooke council. children
Celebrating the Little River Pedestrian Crossing in Sooke, on Feb 7, 2025. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Friday February 7, 2025 | SOOKE, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Today on a cold bright Friday morning in Sooke, a new way to travel to and from school was celebrated.

A gathering of District of Sooke mayor and council, Sooke School District reps. and T’Sou-ke First Nation leadership together with students from local schools was held next to Ecole Poirier Elementary School on Throup Road, next to Journey Middle School.

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Groundbreaking for the Little River Pedestrian Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project including students from Ecole Poirier Elementary, Feb 7. 2025.. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Mayor Tait led the event with a broad-ranging speech to recognize all participants and contributors to the success of developing the Little River Pedestrian Crossing Project.

The most obvious benefit of the trail is for parents and students to be able to walk to school — through a forest no less! — instead of driving. See Little River Pedestrian Crossing Project Drawings (PDF – 23 MB).

The walk through the forest is said to be about 800 km compared to four kilometres by road on Highway 14 where traffic is often backed-up in the morning and mid-day after school hours.

mayor maja tait, sooke, pedestrian crossing, sd62
Groundbreaking for Pedestrian Crossing in Sooke (from left): SD62 Trustee Ebony Logins, SD62 Board Chair Cendra Beaton, T’Sou-ke Nation Chief Larry Underwood, District of Sooke Mayor Maja Tait, District of Sooke Councillor Jeff Bateman, Sooke-Juan de Fuca MLA Lajeunesse, District of Sooke Councillor Al Beddows, T’Sou-ke Nation Elder Jackie Planes-Deyaeger, and District of Sooke Councillor Tony St-Pierre. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Tait emphasized the need for safe use of the trail. She says that active lifestyles will be fostered.

The trail will “reflect shared values of sustainability and safety” and also “celebrate cultural history aligned with actions in delivering the National Truth and Reconciliation calls for action in preserving Indigenous language and culture and fostering education.

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Sooke Mayor Maja Tait at the groundbreaking celebration of the Little River Pedestrian Crossing, Feb 7, 2025 next to Ecole Poirier Elementary. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Trial completion set for Fall 2025:

The trail is expected to be completed by Fall 2025.

Celebration of the trail now accommodates the presence of all the key players in this trail development journey including Mayor Tait would will soon step aside while she undertakes her run to win the MP seat as the NDP candidate for Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke (due to political shifts, the 2025 federal election is expected to happen this spring instead of the scheduled October 20, 2025 date).

Little River Pedestrian Crossing, map
Location of the Little River Pedestrian Crossing in Sooke. [District of Sooke]

The project envisioning, planning, funding and development has covered a long period of time, over the course of three District of Sooke municipal councils. Tait has been mayor since 2014 (re-elected 2018 and 2022).

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Little River Pedestrian Crossing route, Sooke. BC. [District of Sooke]

Who was there:

Mayor Maja Tait was the featured speaker at the microphone today. She was accompanied for photos by District of Sooke councillors Jeff Bateman, Al Beddows and Tony St-Pierre and T’Sou-ke Elder Jackie Planes-Deyaeger.

Former District of Sooke Councillor Dana LaJeunesse was there — he is now the MLA for Juan de Fuca-Malahat.

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Juan de Fuca-Malahat MLA Dana LaJeunesse (right) attended the groundbreaking of the Little River Pedestrian Crossing on Feb 7, 2025 in Sooke. [Island Social Trends]

Sooke School District SD62 was represented by SD62 Chair Cendra Beaton (elected from the Colwood/Langford region) and SD62 Trustee Ebony Logins (elected from the Sooke region). The new SD62 Secretary-Treasurer Brian Jonker attended.

Schools were represented by Journey Middle School Principal Darren Russell, Poirier Elementary School Principal Tess Vally, Poirier PAC President Jen Temple and Poirier Walking School Bus Leader Gen Evelyn.

Mayor Tait thanked media for attending. Attending today among media was Mary P Brooke who has covered news of the Sooke region since 2008.

district of sooke

Trail development:

The trail project builds on the vision laid out by the Psrks and Trails Advisory Committee, including Kendall Arnold, John Boquist, Jsmes Bouthilier, Debbie Clarkson, Ross Reid and Mark Ziegler.

Tait also recognized the ‘visionaries’ from the Juan de Fuca Trails Society who activated interest in the trail: Sid Jorna, Murray Tomkins and Gus van Arenonk, and Terry Cristal identified the need for this crossing and supported inclusion of the trail in the District’s Parks and Trails Master Plan.

Tait acknowledged Parks and Facilities Manager Emma Taylor and former district environment staffer Laura Hooper for their leadership with the project.

In a broader political scope, Tait acknowledged the committed interest of the late John Horgan (MLA for the Sooke region during 2005 to 2023) and support from Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke NDP MP Randall Garrison (2011 to 2024).

walk safely, winter, kids


The Government of Canada contributed $1.3 million through the Active Transportation Fund which has made the project possible.

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Little River Pedestrian Crossing received $1.3 million in federal funding. [Feb 7/25 / Island Social Trends]


Construction partners include ISL Engineering and Ramada (who completed phase one), and Regehr Contracting Limited (leading the next phase).

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