Monday October 19, 2020 | VICTORIA, BC
by Mary P Brooke, editor | Island Social Trends
Many people have requested mail-in ballots in BC for exercising their right to vote in the BC provincial election.
Due to the physical distancing requirements and other concerns about health during the COVID-19 pandemic, use of the mail-in voting process is extraordinarily high for this election.
About 700,000 mail-in ballots were requested of Elections BC for voting in the 42nd BC General Election for which the main voting day is Saturday October 24 (as of October 14 the request-count was 680,000).
Mail-in ballots issued before October 2 will not have the names of candidates listed on the ballots (as candidate nominations had not yet closed). To complete those ballots you will need to enter the name of the candidate or the candidate’s party into the blank space available on the ballot.
- There is a video online on the Elections BC website about how to mark your mail-in ballot.
- A full list of candidates is online at www.elections.bc.ca/candidates
What to do with your mail-in ballot now:
As many people may have in the meantime decided to vote in person at any of the Advance Voting Places in their community (or on General Election Day on October 24), or who may have now missed the postal deadline of October 17 (to ensure that the ballot reaches Elections Canada in time by 8 pm on Saturday October 24), there is the question of what to do with the mail-in ballot you may have in hand.

On General Voting Day, October 24, DEO offices will be open for voting from 8 am to 4 pm (Pacific) and until 8 pm for vote-by-mail package drop offs.
You can still deliver your completed ballot to any District Electoral Office (DEO) by 8 pm on Saturday October 24. See DEO office locations.
Some DEO locations in the Greater Victoria area:
- DEO for Langford-Juan de Fuca is at C117-2401 Millstream Road in Langford.
- DEO for Esquimalt-Metchosin is at 103-318 Wale Rd in Colwood.
- DEO for Saanich-South is at 304-3960 Quadra Street.
- DEO for Oak Bay-Gordon Head is at 3970 Shelbourne Street.
- DEO for Victoria-Swan Lake is at 109-3600 Uptown Blvd.
- DEO for Victoria-Beacon Hill is at 101-637 Bay Street, in downtown Victoria.
Checks in place:

Elections BC says to destroy the paper mail-in ballot if you end up voting in person during Advance Voting or on General Election Day.
There are extensive checks in place to prevent multiple voting. “Every mail-in ballot is screened after Election Day to ensure that the voter is eligible and only voted once,” says Andrew Watson, Director, Communications, Elections BC.
“Any ballots that fail to meet legislated criteria are set aside and not considered for counting,” says Watson. He adds: “It is an offence to cast more than one ballot, subject to significant penalties.”
You can vote at your local DEO:

You can vote at any district electoral office (DEO) in the province from now until 4 pm (Pacific time) on October 24.
Offices will be open from 8 am to 8 pm during advance voting from October 15 to 21 and from 9 am to 5 pm on October 22 and October 23.
Voting Places are following physical distancing guidelines, and there are plexiglass barriers up at stations where personnel sit to check-in voters and provide voting instructions. There is some signage to remind everyone to be calm, be kind, be safe (as is the regular reminder of Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry).
On General Voting Day, October 24, DEO offices will be open for voting from 8 am to 4 pm (Pacific) and until 8 pm for vote-by-mail package drop offs.
See DEO office locations.
What to bring on voting day:

If voting in person during the Advance Voting or on General Election Day October 24, Elections BC provides this information:
- Valid ID that shows your name and home address.
- Your Where to Vote card. Look for it in the mail from Elections BC before advance voting starts. Bringing it with you to the voting place will make voting faster and easier.
- Your own pen or pencil to mark your ballot, if you wish.
- A mask to wear in the voting place, if you wish. We encourage voters to wear a mask when they vote to protect others. You will not be asked to remove your mask to vote. Learn more about voting safely and COVID-19.
Some handy Elections BC links: