Home News by Region Langford Next Langford budget discussion rescheduled to April 18

Next Langford budget discussion rescheduled to April 18

langford council, march 20, 2023
City of Langford Council at their March 20, 2023 meeting. [Zoom]

Tuesday April 11, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The City of Langford Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for 7 pm this evening, April 11, has been rescheduled to Tuesday April 18 at 7 pm.

The postponement/rescheduling is due to Mayor Scott Goodmanson being away from city business due to illness.

“Given the importance of having a fulsome discussion and debate of the proposed 2023-2027 Five-Year Financial Plan, the meeting is being rescheduled so all members of the Committee are available to participate,” it was stated in a City of Langford media advisory this morning.

scott goodmanson, langford, mayor
Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson at a local meeting on Jan 26, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

“The postponement does not impact the overall timeless and process,” according to the City.

The full Committee of the Whole is of course is all of council, i.e. Mayor and six councillors.

Langford Budget 2023 at a glance:

The overall shift in the Langford municipal budget this year is around deciding how to ‘right the ship’, so to speak, after several years of using the amenity reserve fund to artificially produce a lower property tax increase in the 2.0% to 2.5% range (compared to this year perhaps looking at a property tax increase of 11.94%).

There are also decisions to be made around use of the one-time Community Growth Fund windfall from the provincial government, and a few major longer-term investments like whether or not to purchase the YM-YWCA, and how to participate in funding for the RCMP detachment building expansion (other west shore municipalities also contribute).

As well, firefighters and police need more staffing to meet current requirements. These are a lot of significant budget pressures all at once.

===== LINKS:

Langford 2023 budget process (March 28, 2023 article)

City of Langford Meetings portal


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Formerly West Shore Voice News, Island Social Trends has been covering Langford and west shore news since 2014 (and before that news of Sooke). Now also covering BC provincial news. Editor: Mary P Brooke