Thursday, July 25, 2019 ~ LANGFORD
~ West Shore Voice News
West Shore Parks & Recreation is accepting applications for use of the new indoor sports floor for fall 2019 (September 15 to December 31, 2019).
The 17,000 sq ft indoor polished concrete surface will accommodate a wide variety of dry land recreational uses.
“This new space will accommodate the growing number of sports groups, recreational programming and childcare options on the West Shore,” said Sandy Clarke, Acting Administrator, West Shore Parks & Recreation.
“We look forward to seeing an increase in use by traditional sports groups such as soccer, floor hockey, baseball, lacrosse and rugby as well accommodating new and emerging sports and activities such as rhythmic gymnastics, roller skating and trade shows. There will also be an opportunity for the community to use the space through drop-in activities such as pickleball.”
The plan for the Indoor Sports Floor beyond 2019 is to convert the surface to an artificial turf field and multipurpose sport floor with curtain dividers. Those improvements are expected to take place in January 2020, it was stated in a Westshore Parks & Recreation release today.
Indoor sports floor schedule of activities is online on the Westshore Parks & Recreation website.

Westshore Parks & Recreation is owned by five municipalities that comprise a large chunk of the west shore population: Langford, Colwood, View Royal, Highlands and Metchosin. The five municipal owners renewed their contract at the end of June. The board continues to be attended by the Chief Administrative Officers of the five municipalities, until such time a new governance structure is achieved.