Home Business & Economy Retail National Food Cooperative Strategy introduced by Alistair MacGregor

National Food Cooperative Strategy introduced by Alistair MacGregor

"Canada's grocery industry is dominated by a handful of large corporations, limiting consumer choice." ~ Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford)

alistair macgregor, mp, food bill
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) in the House of Commons, Nov 27, 2024. [CPAC]

Saturday November 30, 2024 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated December 5, 2024]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

On November 27 in the House of Commons, Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) introduced An Act to establish a national food cooperative strategy.

“By establishing more competition in the Canadian grocery sector, we can reduce prices at checkout for Canadians,” says MacGregor.

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Many households are paying for groceries on credit, as economic pressures continue to mount.

In the House, MacGregor thanked his colleague Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre) for seconding the bill.

An Act to Establish a National Food Cooperative Strategy:

MacGregor presented his bill in the house with these remarks:

“Grocery prices in Canada are increasing at the fastest rate in over 40 years. Many Canadians are struggling to put food on the table with more than ever resorting to food banks for help. Canada’s grocery industry is dominated by a handful of large corporations, limiting consumer choice.

grocery store, fresh produce, vegetables, fruit
Healthy food choices in the fresh produce section of your grocery store. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

“In 2023 these corporations reported over $6 billion in profit all at a time while Canadians were struggling with the cost of food.

“The Bill I’m introducing today will develop a national strategy that helps food cooperatives in Canada to enable more small and medium-size businesses to compete in Canada’s grocery industry.

Alistair MacGregor, MP, Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, constituency services

“The Competition Bureau of Canada has highlighted that encouraging competition in the grocery sector will help lower prices.

“By supporting the establishment of more food cooperatives we can foster a more competitive market and create community-owned businesses.

“This will ensure greater economic resilience and promote food security for all Canadians.

urban food resilience initiatives society, logo

“Canadians are sick and tired of billionaires getting richer while regular people pay more and more.

“This Bill is a necessary step toward affordable groceries, greater choice for consumers, and a stronger more sustainable food system for Canada.”

randall garrison

A few years pursuing this:

Alistair MacGregor has been pursuing the grocery price issue for several years.

He brought the issue of grocery store chain food prices to the public’s attention in 2022.

In 2023 the CEOs of the three major grocery store chains (Loblaw, Empire and Metro) were summoned to Ottawa to address a committee.

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Alistair MacGregor discussing grocery chain food prices, Oct 17, 2022. [CPAC]

It was the federal NDP that pushed the Liberal government to offer a grocery rebate (a rebranded GST rebate) that was disbursed to low-income Canadians in July 2023.

On social media:

“New Democrats remain committed to tackling corporate greed,” said MacGregor on his Facebook feed this week, along with posting a video of his remarks in the House of Commons. 

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