Sunday May 12, 2024 | COLWOOD, BC [Updated May 13, 2024]
Event report by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
A who’s who of active environmental supporters spent most of Mother’s Day today at an event called May Day for Mother Earth.
The event was organized and presented by the Greater Victoria Climate Reality Hub. While the event was held in Colwood it brought together non-profits and businesses from across the west shore and beyond.
The four-hour gathering included information displays, a speaker’s panel, and several workshops. There were food trucks (Tamales Don Carlos and Syrania Food and Catering) and a short sing-along with the Raging Grannies.

About 20 information booths covered a range of things about the well-being of our planet and how to protect it including ocean sciences, alternative energy integration, watershed management, soil management, urban food growing, and plants.

Exhibitors and panelists:
The exhibitors list included:
- BC Sustainable Energy Association | Bilston Creek Watershed Society
- Capital Bikes Group | Citizen’s Environment Network in Colwood (CENiC) |Compost Education Center | Creatively United for the Planet
- Dogwood Initiative | ECO | Grandmothers for Africa | Greater Victoria Community Climate Hub
- Ocean Networks Canada | Peninsula Streams and Shorelines | Royal Roads University | RUSH Mapping
- South Island Climate Action Network | Sue Big Oil
- Urban Food Resilience | Victoria EV Association

The panelists who discussed a range of local and regional environmental issues on stage in the Royal Bay Theatre were four municipal councillors (David Grove – Colwood, Alison MacKenzie – View Royal, Steve Gray – Metchosin, and Mary Wagner – Langford) and a university student (Colin Sparks) who participates in the City of Colwood’s active transportation committee.
Environmentalist Guy Dauncey gave a talk as did Andrew Gage (about big oil).
Vendors included: Black Dirt Farm Apothecary, Hakai Solar. My Healing Cuisine, The Soil Guy, Wholesome Suds Handmade Soaps, Sweet Beans Farms, and Treats from Royal Bay Bakery.
Milling about:
Local MLA Mitzi Dean (Esquimalt-Metchosin / which becomes Esquimalt-Colwood for the upcoming provincial election) toured about to meet organizers, display booth hosts, and guests.
“It was great to see everybody out celebrating Mother’s Day for Mother Earth today at Royal Bay High School in Colwood. We came together to support environmental change and learn about ways everyone can do their part,” said Dean.
Colwood Councllor David Grove chatted with folks through the afternoon, as did Langford Councillor Mary Wagner.

BC Green candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood, Camille Currie, made her way around the event with her husband and daughter, and attended the speakers panel.
“It was a great day spent at May Day for Mother Earth held at Royal Bay Secondary School in Colwood. I got to chat with climate action and solution groups, municipal reps and youth,” said Currie in a media post. It’s always a pleasure to connect with Mary Brooke from Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society, Carol Brown from the Citizen’s Environment Network in Colwood (CENIC), and Frances Litman from Creatively United,” said Currie in her media post.
Good turnout:
The event saw a good turnout. About 60 people attended the panel and over 250 people attended the displays and workshops.
Considering all the competing interests for people’s time on Mother’s Day in such sunny warm weather it was a positive turnout for people of all ages.
A handful of energetic organizers pulled the event together including Kara Middleton, Connie More, and Pamela Nicholas.
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