Home Health Measles vaccines top 27,000+ in BC in April-June

Measles vaccines top 27,000+ in BC in April-June

BC has implemented mandatory reporting of student's immunization status

Measles mumps rubella, vaccine

Friday, August 2, 2019 ~ BC

~ West Shore Voice News

Minister of Health Adrian Dix has provided the latest update on the Measles Immunization Catch-up Program, in a news release July 25.

The June 2019 report is at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/measles-report-out-june-2019.pdf

Adrian Dix, BC Health Minister
BC Health Minister Adrian Dix

Launched in April 2019 to run to the end of the school year, the catch-up program’s goal was to immunize children from Kindergarten to Grade 12 who have not previously been immunized against measles and those who may not have received both recommended doses, it was stated in a release on July 25.

During April 1 to June 30, there were 27,747 doses of measles-containing vaccines administered by health authorities to students in K to 12. “This is a preliminary total and will rise when all records are received by public health officials,” says the Ministry. Community pharmacists and primary care providers were also key partners in the catch-up program. Based on records received so far, pharmacists provided 1,220 doses of measles vaccines to children and youth during the catch-up program, compared to the 21 doses during the same period in the previous year.

Through increased immunizations and combined record reconciliation, the
number of children now recorded as fully immunized against measles has risen by 37,525.

Health authorities held 1,053 in-school clinics, as well as 3,584 public health clinics throughout BC from April 1 to June 30. Since the program launch, 590,748 students in K to 12 had their immunization records reviewed and parents and guardians of children who have missing or incomplete records were notified as well.

Efforts continue to help parents get their children up to date on immunization for measles and other communicable diseases. In July 2019, the Province implemented the mandatory reporting of student’s immunization status through the Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation.