Home Health Measles now on Vancouver Island: 2 cases confirmed

Measles now on Vancouver Island: 2 cases confirmed

Exposure possible on March 6, 8 & 9 at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria

Measles rash

Friday, March 29, 2019 ~ VICTORIA.

by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc. ~ West Shore Voice News

Two cases of measles infection have been reported to Island Health, it was announced by Island Health today March 29.

Both people acquired the infection while traveling abroad, specifically to Vietnam. Both people sought care in the South Island — one at Royal Jubilee Hospital and the other at a private physician’s office.

“Based upon clinical management and prior immunization, we want to assure people that risk of transmission is extremely low,” said Dr. Richard Stanwick, Chief Medical Health Officer, Island Health. He told media this morning that protocols have been followed for contacting others who may have been exposed or could be at immediate risk through contact with the two infected adults.

Dr Stanwick said he’s surprised it’s taken this long for measles to reach Vancouver Island, given how much people travel and the degree to which there is less measles immunization in the population than hoped.

Anyone born before 1970 is considered to have natural immunity based on probably having had the disease. Anyone who has just one MMR vaccination on record is asked to consider getting the second shot.

Dr Stanwick said that both the infected adults in this case had different or lesser symptoms compared to full-blown or typical measles.

“Measles scares me,” said Dr Stanwick. Ear infections and blindness can result. As a long-time physician, he says 35 years ago he was dealing with 100 cases of measles in northern Manitoba; one of those cases included brain swelling with serious outcomes.

About the disease:

> Measles, also known as red measles, causes fever, rash, cold-like symptoms and red, inflamed eyes that can be sensitive to light.

> Measles is a viral infection. It is very contagious and spreads easily. When an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes, the virus spreads through the air. The measles virus can survive in small droplets in the air for several hours.

> It can lead to infections of the ear or lungs (pneumonia).

> More serious complications, occurring in 1 person in 1,000, include encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. This can lead to seizures, deafness or permanent brain damage.

> About one person in 3,000 with measles can die from complications.

> More: https://immunizebc.ca/measles

If a person contracts measles even with having had one MMR immunization shot, this can lessen the chances that they will pass it on to others, Dr Stanwick said today in a live media teleconference.

People who were at the following locations on the dates and times listed may have been exposed to measles from one of the infected individuals:

Date Time Location
March 6, 2019 0500-1230 Royal Jubilee Hospital, Emergency Department
March 8, 2019 0700-1030 Royal Jubilee Hospital, Outpatient clinic
March 9, 2019 2036-2330 Royal Jubilee Hospital, Emergency Department

Island Health is asking people who may have been exposed to measles to monitor for symptoms for 21 days after the exposure date. Symptoms of measles include fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, diarrhea and red eyes, followed a few days later by a rash that starts on the face and spreads to the chest.

If you develop symptoms, you are asked to advise your health care provider by other means (e.g. phone, text, email) before you visit them so they can take precautions to prevent transmission of measles to others.

Those who never had the measles infection, or who did not have two doses of vaccine, are at highest risk of measles, and we encourage them to get fully immunized. Measles immunization is free for everyone. Measles information line to learn more:

South Island: 250-544-7676 ext. 27545
Nanaimo/Ladysmith/Gabriola: 250-755-3388
Courtenay/Comox Valley: 250-331-8599
Campbell River and area: 250-850-2120
Mt. Waddington/Port Hardy: 250-902-6079

People who are at high risk of severe illness for measles infection (pregnant women, immune compromised, and those under one year of age) can also get a medicine called immune globulin that reduces the risk of severe illness if given within six days of exposure. Measles mumps rubella (MMR) vaccine given within three to six days of exposure also provides some protection.

Two doses of measles vaccine are 99% effective at preventing measles. One dose of vaccine is 95% effective. Rarely, those who are fully immunized can get measles but they often have milder illness, and are less infectious to others.

Free vaccine is available is available at local health units, from family doctors, and at many pharmacists. All Health Units in Island Health are currently offering additional booked school age immunization appointments. These clinics are scheduled during regular clinic hours, after hours and Saturdays.

Dr Stanwick says that for anyone over age 5, any pharmacist can provide the MMR immunization. It’s also available at health units (South Island, Duncan, Nanaimo and Salt Spring) – but generally not for anyone under age 19). Or check with your family doctor but call ahead to ensure the vaccine is available. Travel clinics can also provide the vaccine.

In the past 4 weeks Island Health has administered a total of 2,966 measles vaccinations which is more than double than the previous year. In addition to this, Island Health is offering to catch up all vaccines that the client is behind on at the appointment. Public Health continues to offer extra clinics to meet increased requests for immunization appointments.

For general information about measles visit the Island Health website: https://www.islandhealth.ca

For general information about measles visit the Island Health website: https://www.islandhealth.ca


West Shore Voice News, spring break, cover
Cover image: March 22, 2019 Spring Break Issue of West Shore Voice News weekend digest

Health Minister Adrian Dix announces push for measles vaccinations in schools, with mandatory reporting through schools by September 2019 – see page 1 in the March 22, 2019 issue of West Shore Voice News