Thursday April 30, 2020 ~ SOOKE
by Mary Brooke (a former Sookie) ~ West Shore Voice News
The second night of the so-far weekly All Sooke Region Museum Live Online Trivia Contest series was a high-energy online competition among Sooke ‘know-it-alls’, this evening April 30 on Facebook.
Last week there were 75 participants, and this week that dropped to 53. Talk about weeding out the mild at heart!
With more points awarded for answering as quickly as possible, the 31 questions went by in a heart-pounding flash. Each question shows whether your answer is correct as you go along — small victories, or great disappointments! And every once in a while your rank is shown, to egg you on.

Questions ranged from deeply historical — like knowing the names and timelines of old stores and mills in the region or the year of the last All Sooke Days at Sooke Flats. This week’s commercial promo was about Village Foods (asking what larger grocery store chain they were first a part of, before branching out on their own).
The question about which animals are on the District of Sooke coat of arms… well, yep, cougar and deer. Not everyone got that right … easy to look at something a million times and not really see it.
Last week the winner was Jenn, with Tracy Snow second and Rick third. Tonight Rick was the winner with the top score, with JM second and Maureen third. The top three winners each week are awarded prizes by the museum.

Participants need to register ahead of time. To register for Trivia Night #3 to be held Thursday May 7 at 7:30 pm, visit the Sooke Region Museum Facebook page.
This event is one of many types of new forms of online community-involvement entertainment to help keep people socially connected during this period of self-isolation and physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Sooke Region Museum — in organizing this — is showing innovative community leadership, by finding a way to join a region-wide community together via cyberspace while people are still being held physically apart as part of ‘flattening the curve’ of the COVID-19 pandemic in BC.
Holding this event on Thursday nights is no coincidence… it’s an echo of the Thursday night summer night market that been running from May to September for the last several years.