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LETTER: Hurting seniors with GIS clawback

GIS cut off due to collecting CERB in 2020

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Some seniors who collected CERB are now losing their Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Sunday September 5, 2021 | VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC


Editor’s note:

  • GIS is the Guaranteed Income Supplement paid to seniors who are income-challenged.
  • CERB is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit as available in 2020.
  • CRB is the Canada Recovery Benefit for self-employed and non-EI recipients. | Locally, Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) told Island Social Trends just before the election that he is “surprised that no one in the government could see this was going to be an issue”.
  • Evidently the clawback can only be reversed by legislation, which means it’s not even possible until after the September 20, 2021 election (realistically not even feasible until the 44th Parliament gets up and running, which might not be until October or November 2021).

Even if I am still receiving my CPP AND OAS, it’s not enough to pay my high rent. No money to buy food and pay the bills, I don’t know how long I can hold on. This is a much worse situation than last year.

Looking at the Government of Canada website, it clearly states that pandemic supports are not considered income and cannot be used toward the $5,000 income for 2019 or 2020.

Therefore, CERB and CRB should not be taxed or counted as earned income. SEniors who applied to CERB/CRB should not be ineligible to received GIS.

randall garrison, ndp

Meanwhile, the Service Canada website says differently.

It seems they just want to hurt seniors, with the ways things are presently set up.

Sincerely ~ Ms. Alice Ganitano 

Letters to the editor may be submitted to letters@islandsocialtrends.com

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===== RELATED:

LETTER: Retired & depending on GIS (August 19, 2021)

LETTER: Suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement by receiving CERB (August 10, 2021)

LETTER: Seniors suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement if they took CERB (August 7, 2021)

Seniors who took CERB now losing GIS supplement & other benefits (August 4, 2021)

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