Home Sections Seniors LETTER: Suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement by receiving CERB

LETTER: Suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement by receiving CERB

Service Canada has different criteria than CRA in identifying income to determine eligibility for GIS.

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Some seniors who collected CERB are now losing their Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Saturday August 10, 2021 | VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC


[Editor’s note: CERB is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and CRB is the Canada Recovery Benefit for self-employed and non-EI recipients. | Locally, Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) told Island Social Trends last week that he is “surprised that no one in the government could see this was going to be an issue”.]

I am a senior who lost my Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) because I received CERB /CRB in 2020. Emailing you to let you know my situation and experience with Service Canada.

I worked part-time in 2020 and received CERB and CRB from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Service Canada informed me if I collected EI and switched to CERB after EI was exhausted it would not be included as income for GIS. It appears that Service Canada has different criteria then CRA in identifying Income to determine eligibility for GIS.

I am 68-years-old with health issues and if I have to retire in 2021 I will not get GIS because I received CERB /CRB in  2020.

alistair macgregor

During the COVID-19 I risked my life by working part-time in the retail sector. Now I have been told by Service Canada  I will not get GIS and if I have to retire I still will not receive GIS because of CERB payment in 2020.

There is a provision under the Old Age Security Act where income for the year current year (2021) but it appears Service Canada is not respecting the provision.

I downloaded the form and completed it but Service Canada does not appear to recognize the form. In every conversation with them they refer to 2020 CERB income. ~ Wayne Waterman

Letters to the editor may be submitted to letters@islandsocialtrends.com

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===== RELATED:

LETTER: Seniors suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement if they took CERB (August 7, 2021)

Seniors who took CERB now losing GIS supplement & other benefits (August 4, 2021)

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