Home News by Region Langford Langford public input to Transportation, Active Transportation and Parks & Trails

Langford public input to Transportation, Active Transportation and Parks & Trails

Langford residents - public input on: Transportation | Active Transportation | Parks & Trails

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City of Langford public input surveys about Transportation/Active Transportation and Parks & Traills.

Thursday March 20, 2025 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Open now and continuing into April, Langford residents are invited to participate in online surveys about two areas of master planning in the fast-growing west shore municipality.

let's chat langford, survey, public input

Both survey are online at LetsChatLangford.

Transportation survey:

  • The Transportation Master Plan will be Langford’s first official guide for long-term planning and development of the city’s transportation network.
  • The *Active Transportation Plan will be developed alongside the TMP and will focus on providing greater choices for walking, rolling, and cycling around the community. An ATP will help to reduce the growing pressure and congestion on the existing road network.
  • Active transportation refers to any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling using a wheelchair, skateboard, in-line skates, or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation.
City of Langford - Active Transportation & Transportation Master Plan Survey - 2025

Parks & Trails Survey:

This survey is open to residents as well as frequent visitors, occasional explorers to the area, or new to the area and eager to learn more, we value your ideas and suggestions.

The Parks & Trails Master Plan will determine how the current parks and trails system is meeting the needs of residents today, explore what could be enhanced, and to plan for the future.

Once completed, the Plan will guide future decisions about the acquisition, development, features, enhancements, and management of the City’s parks and trails system for the next 10 years and beyond. 

City of Langford - Parks & Trails Master Plan Survey 2025

Ideas Fair was well attended:

This online feedback opportunity comes following an Ideas Fair (open house) held on March 15.

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City of Langford Ideas Fair about their Transportation and Parks master plans, March 15, 2025. [Island Social Trends]

Plans currently under development were identified as specific objectives in Langford Council’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

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