Tuesday May 26, 2020 ~ LANGFORD [Updated May 29]
by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News
The office of Dr Brian Joslin and Associates has now expanded their optometry clinic hours and services following a significant slowdown during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of May 19 when Phase 2 of the Restart BC program started, the hours at their office expanded back to being 8:30 am to 5 pm on weekdays, and 8:30 to 3 pm on Saturdays.
That gives the optometrists, their staff and patients an opportunity to work within the new COVID-19 parameters of safe health-related services.
Hours will change again June 1:

Hours will change again on June 1, says optometrist Dr Louise Morin. That’s when Phase 3 comes in the Restart BC program, allowing for even greater movement by people in the community.
“We are on a reduced schedule and patients are asked to wear a mask,” says Dr Morin. As well, doctors and assistants will be wearing masks. Plexiglass has been added around the office.
The transition during COVID-19:

During Phase 1 (mid-March to May 18), the Langford Optometry office was only available for limited product pick ups and emergency eye appointments. All patients had to phone in advance; a doctor was on duty daily from 10 am to 3 pm Monday to Saturday. Routine exams were cancelled. They functioned with minimum levels of staffing.
Dr Joslin and Associates have posted their changes on their Facebook page. “We will continue to update this as the situation unfolds,” say Dr Brian Joslin and Dr Louise Morin.
The optometry clinic is located at #105-814 Goldstream Avenue in central Langford. Their phone number is 250-474-4567. The website is www.langfordoptometrists.com where you can also order contact lenses.