Home News by Region Langford Langford Mayor wishes town a Happy Easter, wear a mask if you...

Langford Mayor wishes town a Happy Easter, wear a mask if you can

"Let's be grateful for all the hard work that our frontline workers are doing." ~ Mayor Stew Young

Langford Mayor Stew Young, Easter 2020
Langford Mayor Stew Young wishes his town a Happy Easter, with a reminder to wear a mask during COVID-19 [screenshot]

Saturday April 11, 2020 ~ LANGFORD

~ West Shore Voice News

Langford Mayor Stew Young posted a video message on the City of Langford website COVID-19 page, for Easter Weekend. Here’s the text of it:

“I want to thank everyone for the work they’ve been doing for the last month and half. Listening to messages, from the province, the federal government, and of course our community here in the city of Langford.

I also want to wish everybody a Happy Easter. I know this is a difficult time. It’s tough to say the word happy in a lot of cases. But let’s be grateful for all the hard work that our frontline workers are doing, what our community is doing, and the residents of Langford, all the support they’re giving to everybody who needs to be helped.

COVID-Langford banner, Goldstream Avenue, April 2020
Vacant Langford town centre during COVID-19, with banner reminding people about the COVID-Langford Help Line, April 9, 2020 [West Shore Voice News]

I want to make sure you have a great weekend. Go outside, enjoy the weather. This is a beautiful weekend that we have for weather.

If you’re in an apartment, go for a walk. Just social distance. Make sure that you keep your distance from everybody.

Please, stay safe! And if you can, wear a mask. Thank you.”