Friday May 6, 2022 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated 2:15 pm | Update May 20, 2022 – now nine families from Ukraine have been welcomed to Langford]
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
Langford Supports Ukraine has surpassed their fundraising goal of $50,000, with now $57,000 in the fund.
The committee will now focus on providing supports to Ukrainian people seeking refuge in the community.
The city-supported Langford Supports Ukraine fundraising committee launched in April with an event at the Langford fire hall. Another event was held last weekend at the Langford Legion.
Progress so far:
The committee is fully engaged with creating a Langford-based process to welcome and help integrate refugees with a whole community of support when they settle in the city.
Just this past week, three refugees have been housed and many more refugees are expected.
Committee working hard:

Committee members are Shannon Russell Willing (Chair), Langford Fire Chief Chris Aubrey, Shirley Ackland, and City of Langford Manager of Business Development Donna Petrie.
“It’s been a pretty crazy few weeks pulling this together and I’m so grateful for our community that time and time again they step up to help,” says Shannon.
“People are asked to think about how they can offer a safe space for our Ukrainian friends to land,” she told Island Social Trends today.
Funding disbursement:
“The funding disbursement ratio is being balanced between the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal and providing direct assistance to Ukrainian refugees here in our community,” the committee chair has said today.
Making a difference:

“I am so impressed by the generosity and giving nature of our amazing residents and businesses,” said Langford Mayor, Stew Young in a news release this week.
“Our community has once again come together for an important cause and is showing the world that we can all make a difference to support the victims of this horrific situation in Ukraine.”
Job bank & housing support in Langford:
The City of Langford has set up a job bank where residents and newcomers alike can search for employment, a key step to independence. In addition, a few local housing options have been provided to help create a safe landing place, but more needs to be done.
“People have graciously opened their wallets to support this cause and we’re grateful to them,” said Chair Shannon Russell Willing.
“We recognize finding housing is difficult for everyone in this current climate, but we’re asking residents to think about sharing their home with a Ukrainian refugee, even for just a few months.”
A beautiful community to land in:
Andriy Fabrikov, Ukrainian Cultural Centre Board member has been actively working with the committee to help provide guidance and support.
“We are grateful to the committee and the community for the support they are providing to our Ukrainian friends who have suffered so much and are seeking refuge.” Said Fabrikov. “To land in such a beautiful community with this level of welcoming support is a kindness they truly need.”

More support welcome:
The Langford-based committee continues to encourage residents to do what they can to support arriving Ukrainians. Donations can be made on the City of Langford website Donate to Ukraine page.
The Province of BC Welcoming Ukraine website has more information, or call Service BC at 1-800-663-7867.
Donations can also be made online at the City of Langford’s Langford Supports Ukraine webpage.
Donations can also be made to the Canadian Red Cross Humanitarian Crisis Appeal .
Island Social Trends Editor Mary P Brooke, B.Sc. Cert PR, has been covering news of the west shore since 2014 (publishing as West Shore Voice News to mid-2020, and Island Social Trends since then).
She writes through a socioeconomic and sociopolitical lens on matters of family, community and society.
===== RELATED:
Support for Ukraine in Langford – fundraising committee launched (April 5, 2022)
BC phone line to support displaced Ukrainians (April 4, 2022)
K-12 seats for Ukrainian refugees (March 14, 2022)
Horgan on Ukrainian refugee crisis: housing & K12 (March 11, 2022)
Canadians offering support for Ukraine (February 26, 2022)
Streamline and speed up handling of Ukraine refugees says NDP (February 25, 2022)
Ukraine situation reminds Canadians about freedom (January 27, 2022)
EDITORIAL: Playing footsies with war (January 13, 2020)