Home Health COVID-19 July 28 COVID in BC: 23 more cases, one more death

July 28 COVID in BC: 23 more cases, one more death

"As we all look ahead to the upcoming B.C. Day long weekend, let's ensure it is a safe weekend for all of us."

Coronavirus, COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic has health and socioeconomic impacts.

Tuesday July 28, 2020 ~ VICTORIA, BC

by Mary Brooke, B.Sc. ~ West Shore Voice News

There have been 23 new cases of COVID-19 in BC since yesterday, bringing the July 28 total to 3,523, as reported in the written statement about COVID-19 in BC issued today by Health Minister Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry.

Of the cases in BC, 253 are active, and 3,076 people who have tested positive are listed as recovered.

In yesterday’s numbers (which comprised three days’ worth of tallies from Friday to Monday), the 20-29 year age group had the highest numbers of new cases, i.e. 27 cases. Among youth ages 10 to 19 there had been 10 new cases in three days, and four new cases in children under the age of 10.

COVID cases, BC, July 28 2020
COVID case count in BC at July 28, 2020 is 3,523 cases (23 new in the last 24 hours), with nine people hospitalized (three in ICU). Total of 194 deaths due to COVID-19 in BC. [BC Centre for Disease Control]

Presently (July 28) nine people are in hospital, with three of those in intensive care. The remaining people with COVID-19 are at home in self-isolation.

As of yesterday (July 27) 1,010 people are continuing to be in self-isolation during this lovely summer weather, as a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

One new COVID-related death has occurred since yesterday in the Vancouver Coastal Health region. The death total is now 194.

Outbreak information:

Dr Bonnie Henry, July 27 2020
Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry on Monday July 27, 2020 during media teleconference in Victoria.

There have been no new health-care facility outbreaks. In total, one long-term care facility and two acute-care facilities have active outbreaks.

There are no new community outbreaks and public-health teams continue to support the active outbreaks on Haida Gwaii and at Fraser Valley Packers Inc (blueberry processing plant), as mentioned by Dr Henry yesterday in her live media briefing.

Assisted living, long-term care homes and seniors’ rental buildings with ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks are as follows:
* Vancouver Coastal Health:
* Holy Family Hospital long-term care facility

There continues to be additional community exposure events throughout the province, as stated in the BC Health release. A full listing of community exposure events for each health authority is available through the BC Centre for Disease Control, as well as on health-authority websites.

BC Day long weekend:

BC Health Minister Adrian Dix, July 27 2020
BC Health Minister Adrian Dix during media availability on July 27, 2020.

The BC Day long weekend is coming up (Saturday August 1 through Monday August 3).

“As we all look ahead to the upcoming B.C. Day long weekend, let’s ensure it is a safe weekend for all of us,” said Dr Henry in today’s release.

“Whether it is enjoying the local parks, staying at a vacation rental or out for dinner, keeping our groups small and maintaining safe distances will protect ourselves and those around us.”

A maximum of five visitors is allowed in a vacation rental accommodation, whether a hotel room or houseboat, it was stated in today’s release (as advised yesterday by Dr Henry in her media briefing). “The new provincial health officer orders mean you can have a maximum of five visitors and you must take down their contact information.”

Sooke Fine Arts Show, 2020, July 24 to August 3
The 2020 Sooke Fine Arts Show runs July 24 to August 3. Free online at www.sookefinearts.com

“Let’s make sure COVID-19 doesn’t take our summer away by taking steps to bend our curve back down, this weekend and every weekend,” said Minister Dix in the release.

Phase 3 includes travel within BC:

British Columbians have the green light to travel within the province for their summer vacation time, as part of the Phase 3 of Restart BC. Everyone is reminded to use their COVID travel manners, for everyone’s safety.

Hon John Horgan, MLA [Langford-Juan de Fuca]
Hon John Horgan, MLA [Langford-Juan de Fuca]