Monday February 24, 2020 ~ COLWOOD
by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News
About 20 people showed up for the Annual General Meeting of the Juan de Fuca Performing Arts Centre Society (JDFPACS) on Sunday afternoon, February 23 at the Juan de Fuca Library in Colwood. A few new members joined upon arrival.
Led by JDFPACS president Judith Cullington, the meeting included review of the 2019 financial statement, a quick presentation by local financial advisor Mike Reilley on how the organization might gain donations from donor securities, and a detailed presentation by Royal Roads University professor Brian White on how to build sustainable cultural precincts and districts within municipalities and regions.
A location for the long-sought performing arts centre for the west shore has been narrowed down from several options, said Cullington. No firm news yet.
Cullington says JDFPACS operates with a lean budget. Revenues were almost $11,000 in 2019 and expenses close to that, leaving net revenue of $1,521.43 (better than 2017 and 2018 which operated in the red). Municipal grants (from Colwood, View Royal, Highlands and Metchosin) and other independent donations made up the lion’s share of 2019 revenues, with the organization hoping that more people will use the Thrifty Foods Smile Card Program as a way to make donations as they shop. Details on the group’s website at www.building4thearts.com .
Elections were held (led by David Stocks), members voted, and an executive meeting was held immediately following the AGM.
==== NOTES:
This article was first published on page 4 in the February 21 to 23, 2020 weekend digest of West Shore Voice News.