Home Business & Economy Housing Housing is a top election issue says Eby

Housing is a top election issue says Eby

"We will stand with people who are looking for housing,. ~ Premier David Eby

premier david eby, housing minister ravi kahlon
Premier David Eby and Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon announced a BC Builds rental project for 100 homes in Whistler, BC on July 22, 2024. [Composite / Island Social Trends]

Monday July 22, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC

Political season news coverage by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Everyone needs a place to live. In that context, Premier BC Eby says that housing is top issue in how people choose to vote in the upcoming provincial election on October 19.

“It’s very close to the most important issue going into the election,” said Eby today in a media session that he held during a BC Builds announcement in Whistler regarding 104 new rental homes to be built there with a 2026 completion date.

Located at 1475 Mount Fee Road, the new BC Builds project will provide housing for people living and working in Whistler. It will be comprised of two four-storey wood-frame buildings, featuring a combined total of 104 new homes ranging in size from studios units with one, two or three bedrooms to suit the various needs of middle-income individuals and families.

david eby, ravi kahlon
Premier David Eby and Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon announced a BC Builds rental project for 100 homes in Whistler, BC on July 22, 2024. [Composite / Island Social Trends]

“We will stand with people who are looking for housing,” said Eby today, mentioning houses and townhomes being available for British Columbians in “established areas” with schools and within city centres.

Health-care is the other top issue:

The other top issue for the BC NDP in this election campaign will be health-care. Today Eby said he was shocked at what the BC Conservatives announced last week, saying their Patients First idea would cut $4 billion from the provincial health-care budget.

premier david eby
Premier David Eby during hospital announcement in Surrey on June 18, 2024. [livestream]

Population impacts:

Both housing and health-care as well as schools are impacted by the demands of a fast-growing population in BC. Ironically, it’s the success that BC has achieved in putting people first in the province since 2017 that has attracted people in droves.

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Election campaign starts September 21:

The official campaign period starts September 21 but Eby has earlier said his NDP government will continue working right up to the last minute on things that put people first.

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