Home News by Region Former Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen remembered region-wide

Former Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen remembered region-wide

Oak Bay Mayor had impact throughout the Greater Victoria region

Nils Jensen, Oak Bay, mayor
Nils Jensen when he was Oak Bay Mayor.

Monday, April 8, 2019 ~ VICTORIA.

~ West Shore Voice News

The former Mayor of Oak Bay has left his mark. Nils Jensen, 69, died on Sunday morning, April 7, after a short battle with cancer.

Within minutes of the news breaking, tributes started popping up across social media from friends and associates around the region.

The Capital Regional District (CRD) issued a formal statement this morning:

“The Capital Regional District (CRD) Board and staff would like to express their sincere condolences on the passing of Nils Jensen. Nils was a leader in his community of Oak Bay as well as for our region,” said CRD Board Chair Colin Plant. “During his extensive career in the public service, he always enjoyed the interactions he had with people and making personal connections with so many. He will be truly missed.”

Nils Jensen, 2018
Nils Jensen — then Oak Bay Mayor — at the UBCM convention in September 2018.

Nils served on the CRD Board as Mayor of Oak Bay for two terms from 2011-2018 and was elected Board Chair in 2014. He served on a number of CRD Standing Committees during his terms with the CRD Board, including as Chair of Finance Committee, Planning and Protective Services, and Environmental Services. He also served terms as the CRD appointee to the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority and the Municipal Finance Authority. During his time as Chair of the CRD Board from 2014-2015, he was a champion for advancing the Wastewater Treatment Project.

Prior to being elected mayor, Nils served on the Regional Water Supply Commission from 1997-2011. As Commission Chair, he played a key role in 2002 to raise the Sooke Lake dam by six metres, doubling the size of the reservoir storage. During his later years on the Commission in 2007 and 2010, the CRD made a significant investment in purchasing the Leech Water Supply Area to protect and ensure future drinking water supply for Greater Victoria.

Always appreciative of the community around him, Jensen once told media that he honoured the impact of volunteers in the community. “Their integral support is what makes great communities,” he told West Shore Voice News.

Langford Mayor Stew Young says about Nils: “We had a lot of great conversations over the years. He was passionate about politics and always supportive of new ways to make things better for the residents of not just Oak Bay but the whole region. His family can be proud of his many accomplishments and his long service to his community. He will be missed.”

Colwood Mayor Rob Martin posted on social media earlier today: “A life well lived Nils! Thank you. Let’s all remember that a life of service to others is something we should all aspire to.”

Current Oak Bay Kevin Murdoch was at Colwood Council this evening. “As a council , we extended to Mayor Murdock our sadness to the Oak Bay Community at their loss,” said Mayor Martin afterward. “Mayor Jensen made a choice in his life to contribute back to his community through service. Our entire region is a better place because of his hard work. A good man with a good heart,” said Martin.

View Royal Mayor David Screech posted on Twitter: “I was so sad to hear of the passing of my friend and colleague Nils Jensen. He had a great sense of fun and a wonderful sense of humour. He will be truly missed.”

Jensen had served 15 years on Oak Bay Council before winning as mayor in 2011 and 2014 and in that time drew many stable and dynamic leaders around him over the years.

Jensen learned of his cancer diagnosis in January 2019 and chose assisted death.

Jensen held a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, a law degree from Osgoode Hall and a Masters of Law from the London School of Economics.

He leaves his wife, Jean, and sons Nicholas and Stewart. A memorial for Nils will be held at 2 pm on Thursday, April 11 at the Oak Bay High School Community Theatre.